My Decision II

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Chaeyoung felt extremely upset seeing how happy the girls are celebrating their renewal. For instance, she wished that the ground would split up in two and swallow her. But fortunately her phone saved her from the most awkward situation that may occur. She quickly blew off the candles and went out to take the call. She was very surprised to know that the CEO of BigHit entertainment himself is calling. Even though she knew what would he talk about, she still felt surprised.

"I'm sorry I never expected you to be calling" Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Do you have any idea why I'm calling?" Bang Shihyuk asked.

"I guess so" Chaeyoung said "I think Yoongi and Jungkook have talked to you about it?"

"About what?" He wondered "this actually has nothing to do with them. Well except for the part that they insisted on calling you right away at this late hour. Other than that, it's all about you"

"I'm all ears" Chaeyoung said.

"I somehow knew that your contracts have expired and I'm eager to have you in my family" Bang Shihyuk said waiting for Chaeyoung's response "what do you say?"

"To be honest, I can't say anything right now. My mind is all over the place" Chaeyoung said in a sad tone.

"I'd hate to force you to make any rapid decisions that's why I'll ask you to meet me whenever you come to a final decision"

"Thank you so much. That's so kind of you" Chaeyoung thanked him then ended the call.
She took a deep breath in and leaned against the wall. She had never in her entire life faced such a dilemma. She quickly shook her head and walked back to the girls. When she was about to sit down, she noticed that her members' expressions have totally changed and the atmosphere has become rather gloomy.

"Is there anything you'd like to talk about?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Something like what?" Chaeyoung stuttered.

"Like your contract which you haven't renewed yet" Nayeon said.

"Yet?" Chaeyoung chuckled "so it's only right to renew"

"Of course, we have good bonds and we're working successfully" Nayeon said.

"What do bonds have to do with working?" Chaeyoung said "So in case I decide to not renew you'll cut bonds with me?"

"Chaeyoung-ah, I never ----"

"Unnie! Why haven't you thought about the possibility of any of us leaving?" Chaeyoung interrupted Nayeon.

"Because as I said we're doing pretty well"

"What do you consider doing well?" Chaeyoung asked in a crying voice "does doing well mean sleeping over my potential? Does doing well mean neglecting my talent? Unnie!" Chaeyoung sniffed "while you were the centre of attention, have you ever thought about how I felt being called 'one of the rappers'? And how I felt about being called that member who raps? Of course you wouldn't because it wasn't you who got shot by hurtful words every day. But you know what hurts the most? The fact that you want me to renew my contract and still live in your shadow"

"Chaeyoung-ah!" Nayeon started crying along "why were you quiet all these years?"

"Because unlike anyone of you, I thought about you guys, I thought that leaving half path may bring you trouble so I held myself together"

"Chaeyoung-ah?" Jihyo said "is it possible that you reconsider?"

"Impossible!"Chaeyoung nodded angrily "especially when I remember that I'll have to work with someone like you"

Chaeyoung suddenly got extremely angry. She dropped sad tears mixed with anger. No one is feeling her pain. Everyone is only thinking about themselves. Chaeyoung outrageously left the house and went outside crying. She immediately grabbed her phone and called Yoongi.

"Chaeyoung-ah!" Yoongi picked up.

"Can you pick me up?" Chaeyoung cried "right now Yoongi-ah"

"Okay okay, calm down I'm on my way" Yoongi said then jumped out of his bed feeling extremely worried.
He quickly hopped in his car and flew to Chaeyoung's dorm. When he saw standing outside in the cold weather, he knew something bad happened so he quickly hopped out of the car and walked to her.

"Chaeyoung-ah!" Yoongi held her shoulders "are you okay?"

"Just take me away from here" Chaeyoung cried.

"Okay just hop in"
Yoongi helped Chaeyoung settle in his car then went to his driver's seat and started the engine.

"Where are we heading?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Home"  Suga smiled softly.

Jungkook laid down on his bed and closed his eyes trying to have some sleep but couldn't. He had nothing to worry about but he wasn't sleepy as well. At that moment, Jungkook didn't realise that he actually had something to worry about but he just didn't know until he decided to check his Instagram.

"What the hell?" Jungkook jumped out of his bed as he held his phone.

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