chapter 1

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Nathan woke up when his alarm started ringing . He groaned and woke up, he had to go to his job after all. Nathan drake is a detective in special investigation division. They always got the crazy cases and yesterday was no less than that. He had to face a crap load of people shooting at him .

Yesterday he had completed his 40 th successful mission . All of his colleagues threw him a party and he took part in it. It was almost midnight when he reached his apartment.

Nathan drake stood at 6 feet 3 inches . He was handsome and had a slick black hair. He was a lean built man with a body that rigorous training chiseled out.

He finished his morning activities and put on his uniform along with his gun on his gun holster. Nathan was about to step out of his apartment when his cell went of. It was gary norton. His best friend and partner in crime. He was a forensic analyst in the same department.

"Hey nathan where are you . Come to town square alley . We got a crazy one on our hands"

Nathan groaned again , he had just completed his last case just yesterday and he was already on another
Man when am i going to get a break . Nathan thought to himself and sighed.
He returned to his call.

"So what happened. What is the crazy factor"
nathan asked gary while he got in to his car.
"Oh you got to see this buddy . This is freaking big. You know how they say crazy of crazy."

Nathan sighed gary always had this manner of saying things that doesn't even make sense.
"What does that even mean gary. Are you going to tell me or not . " as soon as he sees gary he is going to get a kick to his ass.
"No telling you. Whatever get your ass over here . It is your case after all mr shining. Got to go baldy is here"

The baldy gary was speaking about was their chief. Well gary is that kind of guy who doesn't give a thing about rules.

Nathan drove to the spot . He had an excitement run through his veins. He was only alive when something was there get his mind hooked on and a case was just what he needed. Especially if it is a crazy one.

He drove to the area and parked right in front of a mob who were trying to get a peek on the incident happened. The police were trying their level best to keep all the people in line.

Nathan walked towards the other side of the mob so that he would not get swarmed by the reporters and he almost succeeded if it was not a blonde haired woman running towards him.
"Mr drake we have some questions to ask you. Please give us some answers."
Nathan groaned and looked at the reporter. He always hated reporters all they did was snoop around and meddle in his investigation. Once he had almost got the guy but media had to get it in to news resulting in the killer to flee the state.
"Ok what do you need. Make it quick i have a job to do"
The woman's eyes twitched in irritation may be she wasn't used to those welcome.
"So can you tell us what is happening there . The police are not letting us pass . People are dying to know and it is our duty to inform them"
Duty my ass  nathan thought to himself. But he quickly changed his attitude to a more professional way.

"I have only arrived here now . So i don't know what is happening out there. I was on my way to examine it"

The reporter's face lit up with a smug grin.

"You mean the inspector handling the case does not know what is happening. That is quite shameful if you think about it"

Nathan gritted his teeth. This woman was getting on all his nerves. Oh and gary was so going to get it .

"I can do my duties just fine mam. So can you please stay behind those ropes . This is after all under police area now right"
Nathan had a smirk on his face. Yeah he knew he got her with that.

The reporter huffed in annoyance and walked away. Nathan started walking towards the crime scene when some on tapped him on the back .

"I thought you were going to hit the crap out of her" he handed nathan a cup of coffee.

Gary had his glasses on and of course his lab coat . His medical gloves tucked in to his pockets. From the blood on his gloves nathan could say that the crime scene was bloody.

"So tell me about it. The crazy of crazy thing you spoke." Nathan asked gary while sipping some coffee.

Gary chuckled and then walked forward. He led him to the alleys behind the buildings. Even though it was day time , the alleys were quite dark.
" it's a body , female approx 24 years. White . Killed by the slice to her neck. And the crazy part is not yet there"
He turned and smirked at me. He had a glint in his eyes . Looks like whatever nathan was going to see was going to be actually crazy of crazy.

They walked together and finally reached the spot. Gary took out his gloves and started walking towards the body.

Nathan mentioned a police officer to get him some gloves. He walked towards the body and bend before it. The body was turned towards the other side. There was a lot of blood around the body. The body was not intact. The rain the day before drained a lot of the blood.

" The killer didn't play around. He sliced right on her major vein. Like death would be instant. "
Nathan said looking at the slice marks in the neck.

"Oh yeah . He didn't waste any time all right . Just roll her to the side look at the eye part"
He helped nathan roll the body to the side. And yeah one look at her eyes and nathan could say that this case was going to be crazy.

Where there should be two eyes there was nothing other than empty holes. The killer took a trophy after killing his victim .
" and craziness hits the jackpot" gary said while giving a drumming motion.

Nathan stood up and mentioned the police man to take pictures and bag the body. The body was to be subjected to analyses at their base.

Gary removed his coat and fell in step with him. They were kind of best friends and always supported each other. Gary had helped him crack a lot of cases and nathan always trusted gary's analysis . After he was always spot on.
"So did you get anything. A print or something like that"
If there was any fingerprint or dna samples it would be easy to track the killer.
" no nothing. Not even a partial print. This guy is good he even had taken precise steps to kill the girl. Think about it , he killed when it was about to rain. He knew his scents were going to be washed away by the rain. You certainly did get a tough one on this one boy"

Gary patted my shoulder and all nathan could i do was sigh.

Great when i was just going to take a break another psycho shows up.

Something troubled him the precision in the  killer's timing was impeccable. Not even leaving behind a partial print.

Who is this guy. It is like he is a freaking ghost. Appearing and then melting in to the darkness.


And that comes to a close. There you have it guys the very first chapter. If you guys like it please give me a vote or a review that is very important for me. So that i can move forward with the story.


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