chapter 5

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Nathan and Kate sat in  a cafe  having breakfast , they were supposed to head out to question the victim's parents and before that Kate decided that they should grab a bite.

"why are you so grumpy in the morning Nate. it was just a wake up call , i thought you would already be up" Kate said while chewing on to her sandwich.

"who gives some one a wake up call at four thirty in the morning Kate. i was already dead tired from staying up all night and you had to wake me up early.

"geez  you are whining like a baby, i will buy you lots of coffee so that you do not sleep on the job" Kate placed a cup of coffee on the table so that Nathan could drink it. Nathan narrowed his eyes at her as he finished up eating his breakfast.

"so you got the address right , we need to get going and still need to find clues today. " Nathan stood up from his seat and walked towards  Kate's  car . the drive to the victim's house took about half an hour. they reached the gate of a big mansion. the victim was the daughter of a multi millionaire and the house proved it.

"wow the house is freaking huge" Nathan looked at the house with an open mouth. Kate looked at him and chuckled.

"what did you expect Nate. the guy is a multimillionaire not like you who has a musty old apartment" Kate showed her id at the gate and the guard allowed them to pass through the gate.

"my apartment is nice and cozy. it's just the way i like it" Nathan said while ringing the doorbell.

it took some time and then the door opened and a man in a costly suit opened the doors for them. clearly he was not a worker there and the man introduced him as john Webster.

"I believe grace is your daughter Mr Webster" Nathan shook hands with him as they introduced themselves. he was about 50 years old. he was all expected from an old wealthy man.

" My name is Nathan drake and this is Kate everleen , we are currently investigating your daughter's murder" Nathan showed him his Id as same as with Kate.

"we know this is a tough time but we would like to ask you some questions about your daughter." Kate spoke in a soft tone. from on look Nathan could say that Webster was devastated from the loss of her daughter.

"she was a sweet child after the death of her mother i tried to look after her as good as possible. she was good in studies , excelled in everything and past year she wanted to be independent." Webster wiped his eyes . It was evident that talking about her daughter was too painful for him.

"where was she on the night of the murder. was she home or out " Nathan wanted as much information possible so that he could do anything.

"she was at a party with her friends celebrating her promotion . she said that she would be back soon when she called around nine . i was waiting for her here" Webster said pouring himself some tea.

" That is about two hours before the murder . something happened to her after that . can you tell me where she was partying that night" Nathan asked flipping his notebook open .

"she was at john's right around the central square "

Nathan noted it on  his  notebook and both of them stood up . they said their good bye and walked towards the car .

"so what do you think something happened at the party. " Kate looked at Nathan but he was already on his phone .

"Gary can you check something for me . the traffic cameras around a bar called john's . check it up " Nathan held on to the phone . he could here some clicks on the keyboard and Gary  was back in the line.

"nothing Nate. all the traffic cameras were down that night. need something else"

"nothing else . see ya later" Nathan hung up on the phone . he wanted to see if traffic cameras had picked up something strange on the night.

"Are we going to the club now or to the office. may be we should  check in with the chief" kate entered the car after Nate.


At the office

Gary was working on the evidence and samples once again so that he could provide Nathan with something . he had handed his files to his new assistant so that he could get a second opinion. the problem now he had was that his new assistant James was somewhat of an airhead. one second he would be  there and then he would vanish in thin air.

"now where did he go . Nathan is going to kill me if i loose his files" Gary sighed and started looking for his new assistant.

James was walking across the storage room with a wide smile on his lips. he had become the assistant like he wanted to and he held on to the file like a child to a teddy. He walked towards the store room because he knew there will not be anyone there.Reaching the storeroom he closed the doors behind him.

he opened the file and started reading through the file. he smiled at the findings. A sinister smile spread across his lips. he wanted to know about the evidence on the case and now he was able to . the crazy grin widened once before he shut the file and exited the store room. there was something he wanted the whole world to know , something spectacular , something that made his heart pump faster.

he walked towards his lab in small brisk paces. the same smile on his face and a scalpel in his pocket that he always kept with him glistening in the light.


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