♡1♡ Moving

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Tyler lives in California with his family. His parents, his brother Zac, their husky puppy sparkles, and little Tyler. Zac has just turned 17, Tyler is 6 and a half. He has always been smaller than a normal 6 year old and not a very happy child. He would cry easily and like to be alone most of the time or going for long walks with Sparkles. His parents hope he'll grow out of his 'depressed phase'. Just before Tyler starts second grade after summer, they decide to move to Ohio. So they do, landing in a cute, but pretty big house outside of Columbus.

Josh lives in a big house in Ohio, with his family. His house is the house right next to the one Tyler will move into. He lives there with his parents, his brother Jordan, and their little black kitten Ruby. Jordan is 18, Josh just turned 7 and starts second grade after Summer. He has always been a very happy kid, but shy, hanging out on his own most of the time, or trying to play the drums, which belong to Jordan.

Tylers parents and Zac are getting all their stuff out of the car and the furniture out of the moving van, while Tyler is inside already, looking at the house and chosing his room. He walks upstairs, and turns into the first room on the left. It has a high ceiling and a big window with a view to the house next to them. He decides he wants this one and runs back downstairs.

"Mommy? Daddy? I found a room, I think it's nice. Can it be mine?" He asks them, trying to smile.
"Of course honey! Any room you want. Now come on, let's go say hi to the neighbours" His mom says, talking her son by his hand. Followed by Tylers dad and his brother. They walk nextdoor and ring the doorbell. The door opens and a women, a man and a teenage boy stand there, giving us warm smiles.

"Hi, we're the new neighbours, we hope not to disturb, we just wanted to introduce us. I'm Kelly, this is my husband Chris, our son Zac and our youngest son, Tyler. " Kelly says nicely. They all wave and smile.
"Hi! Nice to meet you all! I'm Laura, this is my husband William, our oldest son Jordan, and our son, Josh" Laura says, a fourth head peaking through Jordans legs as she said 'Josh'.

"Well, why don't you come on in and we can all get to know each other better?" Laura asks, waving us in.
We follow them all into a big living room. Josh looks at Tyler with big, sparkling eyes. He thinks the little boy looks nice, so he smiles at him and starts talking. The adults sit on the sofa and start a conversation. Zac and Jordan stand in a corner, also staring to talk. Tyler and Josh stand further away from them.

"Hi! I'm Josh" he says, a big grin on his face.
"Uh.. hi, i'm Tyler" he says, a little smile on his face and playing with his fingers.
"Mom? I'm gonna show Tyler my room okay?" Josh calls over to his mom. She just nods, smiling and continuing her conversation.
Josh is really exited, no sign of shyness, as he grabs Tylers hand and pulls him upstairs. Up in the room, Tyler looks around, still a bit shy. Josh starts the conversation.

"How old are you? He asks.
"Uh, nearly 7.." Tyler says.
"Cool! I just turned 7"
"What's your favorite color?" Tyler now asks, opening up a bit.
"Mines red, what about yours?"
"Blue" he answers.
"So what do you want to play? Do you like cars?"
"Yeah!" Tyler says exitedly, also starting to grin. He likes Josh. He seems cool.

The two boys start playing with cars, running around the room, laughing. Tyler has opened up and they talk about lots of stuff, until his mom calls to head back home.

"That was really fun!" Tyler laughs, giving Josh a hug.
"Yeah! Can I come to your place next time?" He asks
"Of course! Then you can meet my dog, Sparkles!" Tyler jumps up and down.
"Okay see you tomorrow then!" He says, waving as he heads over to his house. It's only the first time they met, and they are best friends immediatley.

During the whole summer break they hang out nearly every day, playing and riding their bikes around the streets, going swimming, eating ice cream and watching movies, they even had a few sleepovers. They have become best friends.

Author's note
Heyy, it's mee again🤗
I really hope you all enjoy this cute joshler fanfiction. I know it's a bit boring at the start, but I had to kinda set the scene😉 it's gonna get better. I promise!
Please LIKE and COMMENT😊❤

Also, this is what Tyler and Josh's bedrooms look like:

Also, this is what Tyler and Josh's bedrooms look like:

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This is Josh's bedroom.

This is Tyler's bedroom

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This is Tyler's bedroom.

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