♡5♡ Valentines day

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Tyler's POV
Summer was over really quick. I mean, we live in Ohio. Josh asked me to be his boyfriend on new years eve. I said yes. What do we expect? Halloween and Christmas were awesome. Me and Josh had so much fun, we even went into our treehouse a few times over winter. I miss those childhood memories. In November Josh's anxiety became really bad and he had to stay home 2 days. My depression was/is worse again, the nightmares haunt me almost every night, except when Josh sleeps beside me. I started to cut myself last month. I'm clean 2 weeks now, only white scars left on my stomach. They fade more and more every day. I will try to stay clean, let's see how long it lasts, until my next breakdown. It's Valentines day tomorrow, I have a special present for Josh. A white rose, and a special edition of drumsticks, signed from our favorite band; The neighbourhood. I hope he likes it.

Josh's POV
Ugh. It's Monday tomorrow. But it's also valentines day! I bought this really expensive, pastel blue ukulele for Tyler. I hope he likes it, together with some chocolate. I love him so much, I just want to make him happy, I know he's having hard times with his depression. I hate seeing him sad.

I wake up in the morning, ugh Monday... but yay Valentines day! I jump out of bed and get ready for school, pack Tyler's present and head over to his house. There he stands, my beautiful boyfriend waiting for me, my smile is huge when I see him. Also, new snow has fallen during the night, the air is really cold. I hug him and give him a kiss.

"Morning baby boy, happy valentines day" I say.
"Morning Joshie, happy valentines day to you too." He smiles back at me, as we walk to school, holding hands. We're gonna give each other the presents tonight, there is a slow dance party at the school tonight, because of valentines day. I'm really excited to dance with Ty.

The day is over pretty quick, we go home and get ready for the dance. I'm wearing a black suit, with a white shirt and black leather shoes. I put Tyler's favorite perfume and fix my hair with gel a bit.

Tyler's POV
I'm so excided for tonight, dancing with Josh! I hope i'm a good dancer. I'm wearing a white suit, whith a black shirt and black leather shoes. I put on Josh's favorite perfume and fix my hair with some water. It's almost time to go, I grab the present for Josh and get into my Mom's car to pick up Josh and drive to school.

Josh get's in the car, omg he looks so beautiful. I'm stunned, and I stare at him for a while. I give him a quick kiss and hand him his present. He hands me his present. I rip it open and I can't believe my eyes. It's a ukulele! In my favorite color!

"Omg JOSH!" I almost shout, out of happieness.
"Do you like it Ty?" He asks, smiling.
"I love it so much!! Wow, thank you sosososososososo much!" I say exitedly, hugging Josh tightly.
"Tyler! Where did you get these?! I love them omg!!" He says, really happy about his new drumsticks.
"And they are the original copy of the ones The Neighbourhood has?! Wow. Thank you so much tyty" He says, hugging me again.

Soon we have arrived at the school, there are so many people, girls and boys in suits and dresses, laughing and playing around. Josh takes my hand and we make our way inside the sports hall. There is a huge table with cake, pastries, and candy.

"Brendon! Pete!" Josh shouts, making his way to the table and pulling me behind him.
"Hey guys! How are you, btw you two look amazing! Brendon says.
"We're good! It's gonna be alot of fun tonight!" I say.
"Yeah! It will be." Pete says, Josh nodds, smiling at me.

We just hung around for a while, getting some cake or candy from the table every once in a while and talking and laughing. The four of us have always been friends and we always will stay friends. We watched the couples dance for a while, until another slow song comes on and Brendon pulls Pete onto the dancefloor. Josh looks at me, I shake my head embarassed.

"Come on Ty, it's gonna be nice" Josh says, pulling me onto the dancefloor.
"But.. I can't dance!" I exclaim embarassed. But he already takes my hand and begins to dance slowly, it's actually not that hard, I just follow his gentle movements. After a while I really get into it and we look into each others eyes.

The evening was over pretty soon, and we said goodbye to Brendon and Pete. Outside Josh pulls me into a long kiss and we then walk to my Mom's car hand in hand. It was a beautiful evening and I fell asleep smiling. The first night I didn't have nighmare in weeks.

Author's note
Heyy, I really hope someone reads this. I'm not doing well at the moment so excuse me if updates come kinda slow.
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