♡4♡ Freshman year

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Slight trigger warning: Bullying, homophobia, depression, anxiety.

Time skip to Freshman year(9th grade). It's Summer again. Tyler is 14 and a half, Josh is 15. Both of them are still best friends, always hanging out, doing sleepovers, cuddling, holding hands and even kissing their cheeks sometimes. They have painted their treehouse dark blue on the inside, stars, rocketships and planets painted on there as well. They still hang out there sometimes, listening to music. Josh is developing feelings for Tyler, so is Tyler for Josh, they both don't know that about each other.
It starts on their first day of school; freshman year.

Tyler's POV
I wake up, all sweaty from another nightmare. Awesome, I think. Great start to high school, Tyler. So I go for a shower, throw on my black, skinny jeans, my black and white vans, and a random shirt. I grab a muffin from the kitchen table, my backpack and walk out the front door. Josh is standing there already, as soon as I see him, I smile.

"Morning Josh" I smile.
"Morning Ty" He smiles back, we do our handshake, which we came up with last year and start walking to school.

"Ugh god... i'm really anxious because of today. What if we don't have the same classes together?" He asks me, concerned.
"I hope we have many together too, don't be anxious it's gonna be ok joshie" I say, giving him a warm smile.

I sigh, as we walk into high school. There are lots of people, much older ones, probably the seniors, and some our age. I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Josh, Ty, hey!!" Brendon calls, walking towards us. Hand in hand with Pete. They're probably together now, I think. That's cute. I start smiling, hugging both of them.
"Ayy you two together now?!" Josh asks and smiles.
"Yep, we are" Pete anwers proudly.
"You two are cute" Tyler says.
"Indeeeeeed" Josh laughs.

We make our way down the hallway, also seeing Melanie on our way. She looks so different, alot of makeup on her face, dressed all black. She's one of the gothic girls now, I think to myself. She waves friendly, we all wave back. We arrive in the sports hall, where tables are set up, one for each year; Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. We walk over to our table, grabbing our scedules with our names on. I look onto mine, then Josh's. There identical, except for Art. Instead, he has ceramics. Pete and Brendon have identical ones too, except for Math. Sadly Josh and me, and them only have 2 classes together; English and American history.

We're all pretty happy and make our ways to our first class. For me and Josh it's Math, for Brendon and Pete it's biology. I sit in the back row with Josh, he's really nervous. I pat his back and hold his hand on our desk. Then a group of older boys storm in, loudly laughing, then one of us catches us in the corner of his eye. Shit, I think.

"Ouu look what we have here! Two little freshman faggots." The tallest one says.
"Ew lol" the others say and sit down 2 rows infront of us.

Josh just looks at me, rolling his eyes. I look back at him, no expression on my face. Well, this year's gonna be fun...

Josh's POV
Ugh. It's the first day of high school and we already got some bullies. Whatever, I think. Me and Tyler are never gonna let someone drag us down. I keep holding Tyler's hand throughout the whole lesson, not caring about some other mean words and filthy looks thrown at us.

I don't really care about it, but I can clearly see Tyler beeing uncomfortable. He's always been kind of sensitive, and I love that about him. But now I can see him tear up, pressing his lips together, trying to keep the tears from falling. I squeez his hand tighter. He looks down.

"Aw look at that crybaby" they laugh, before leaving class.
"So pathetic" I hear them say on the hallway.
"Don't listen to them Tyty. They are just some stupid idiots and we are better than them. Don't cry, i'm here." I say calmly.
"Yeah.." he sniffs, while we walk to our next class. I feel bad.

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