♡6♡ Sophomore year

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Time skip to Sophomore year, Tyler and Josh both didn't have a good start to 10th grade. Josh's anxiety made him miss whole school assemblys and his grades are kinda bad. Tyler started cutting again, his grades are average. It's now start of December, winter break starts in 20 days and Josh and his family is going to NYC for 10 days. Josh does not want to leave Tyler alone for this long in a rough time like this, Tyler does not want Josh to worry but is also sad that he's leaving for 10 days. Josh is 16 now, Tyler 15 and a half. Josh shaved both sides of his head, and got earrings over the summer.

Josh's POV
It's wednesday, meaning whole school assembly before lunch. Sitting in the bathroom and waiting until it's over, again.

I give Tyler a sad smile and we go opposite ways. I go to the bathroom and Tyler walks towards the big hall where the assembly is held. I hate leaving him alone, I always worry the second he leaves my eyesight. I get into a bathroom stall and sit on the toilet lid, get out my phone and scroll through instagram.

Tyler's POV
I decide to go to the bathroom before the assembly starts, there is a bathroom right infront of the hall. I think about Josh, who is in the other bathroom, hallways away. I unlock the bathroom stall and go to wash my hands. The door opens and 3 of the senior dicks walk in. Shit. Please let them not see me. I dry my hands quickly and walk to the door.
Trigger warning: bullying, abuse, homophobia
"Wait! Faggot, come here" One of them laughs, grabbing my shirt and pulling me into a bathroom stall, together with the two other dicks.
They laugh and shout in my face, tears welling up in my eyes.
"Ew you're so disgusting! Look at you filthy rat" they laugh
"Fucking looser, you fag"
"Why are you alive"
"Go kill yourself, world is better without you" they scream

I curl up on the floor, knees to my chest and my eyes squeezed shut, tears rolling down my cheeks. Maybe they are right, I SHOULD die.
I feel feet kicking my legs and back, one of them punching my eye and nose. They laugh, then finally head out. Except one of them. I hear weird breathing, almost moaning, my whole body hurts so much from their strong arms and legs kicking me like a street rat. 
Trigger warning: Rape and sexual abuse
I look up, seeing one of the guys still in the bathroom stall with me, jerking off to me, in pain with a black eye and bloody nose on the ground! Although i'm in pain I scramble off the floor and try to unlock the door, and run. But he grabs my arm and pulls me back, slamming his fist into my stomach, I almost see black, falling to my knees. He uses that opportunity, to tie my hands together onto my back, it happens too quickly and i'm to exhausted to stop him.

He stands infront of me, I just see his huge member he's holding with one hand and the other using to hold my head back, he slamms it into my mouth. I can't breathe and i'm choking, gasping for air in between his thrusts. I see black. I can breathe, desperatley gasping for air I feel hands pulling down my pants and rough hands throwing me over the toilet seat. He pulls down my boxers aswell, evily laughing as I don't know whats happening. Just out of breath, hands tied to my back, lying over the closed toilet seat with my boxers down and ass in the air.

Suddenly he slamms into me. I scream into his hand covering my mouth, excrutiating pain making me see black. I'm so numb now. I just lie there, his huge member slamming into me. I feel the pain, but I see black and i'm to numb to move. His hands are so rough on me, now on my shoulders pressing me down. With every time he slamms into me, the toilet seat slamms into my hip and thigh.

Then it all stops, he pulls out, rips off the stuff he tied my hands rogether with and I hear the door opening, then closing then footsteps leaving the bathroom. It's all over now. He's gone.
I'm on the floor again, it still hurts so much. I start sobbing and just lying on the floor. After a while I manage pulling up my boxers and pants, while lying on the floor. My shirt is somwhere in here too, but I can't get up it just all hurts to much.

I hear the door opening and a familiar voice calling my name. It's Josh. Thank god.

Josh's POV
I could not find Tyler anywhere, assembly is over now, lunch has started 20 minute ago. I'm really concerned and decide to look into all the bathrooms, ending up in the ones infront of the hall.
"Tyler! Ty, you in here?" I shout.
"J..osh...." I hear sobbing. Omg, what happened. The door is not locked, I walk into the bathroom stall and locking it from the inside before turning around.

I can't believe what i'm seeing. It's Tyler. He is curled up on the floor, blood smeared all over the floor around him and his shirt ontop of the toilet seat. He has hand prints and bruises all over his torso, a cut on his cheek and a bloody nose. Tears roll down the side of my face as I knee down next to him. I very gently and carefully stroke his arm, he flinches. It breaks my heart, who did this to him?! I will kill whoever did this to my boy.

"Ty..ty wh..o did this to you, what happened? It's okay now baby, shhh hey i'm here." I whisper, I gently stroke his head, moving him so he's pretty much on my lap.
"Ouch...*sob* j...j..josh..ie... it hurts so..so much *sniff*" he stutters
"Shh baby, it's okay i'm here now. It's okay. It's all going to be okay, I will never let anyone hurt you ever again." I shush him.
"Mhm...." he sobbs into my shirt, clinging onto me. I continue rubbing soft circles into his back.

After a while the sobbing stopps and he has seemed to calm down, his breathing is back to normal again too.

"I.. i'm so sorry Joshie. I.. they..he.. they just screamed... into my face... and that I should..die." he whispers.
"It's not your fault, i'm so sorry I left you alone ty. Don't let what they said reach you. Please." I say, more tears welling up in my eyes.

"They.. kicked me and pu...punched me. Then..they..he...they left and he... he... *sobbing starts again*" He cries.
I begin to realise what happened. Please, please not what I think...omg.
"Sh ty, i'm here. What did he...do?" I ask carefully
"He...he..*sob* tied my hands...to my back... and hit me ag...again. And then.. he put his thing in my mouth and I couldn't breathe and everything went...black *sob* and he...he pulled my pants down.. a..and then he... slammed it into me and I...i'm so sorry Josh...*sob*  I couldn't do..any..anything. It hu..hurt so m..much..."

I can't believe what I just heard. Somebody raped my beautiful, soft boyfriend. I have so much anger inside me, I will kill him. Kill him. I will! But now i'm just sad...I can't see Tyler in so much pain..so broken. I quickly get some wet paper towls and gently wipe Tyler's face and nose, it stopped bleeding. I gently pick him up, he's light as a feather. I go into the 'zen room' and place him onto the sofa. Good that nobody's here. I call my mom, telling her Tyler got into a fight, his parents are gone for a week and we need to go home. Then I call Brendon, and he brings our backpacks into the room, stroking Tyler's head gently and telling me to get him better soon.

When mom arrives, I carry Tyler to the car and place him on the back seats, his head on my lap. He fell asleep in the 'zen room'. Once home, we're alone because mom had to leave for work immediatley again.
I carry him into my room, and place him onto the bed. I start pulling his pants down to get him something clean and comfortable. I pull down his boxers aswell, revealing bruises all over. It makes me so sad.

I put some clean boxers on him, and one of my hoodies, a bit big on him because i'm taller than him but we have the same boxers size so at least they fit him. I get into bed with him, he immediatley clings onto me and I fall asleep right away.

Author's note
Hey... I'm sorry this chapter is really intense with alot of abuse in it. Still hope ya'll liked it❤
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