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Bold - English


I woke up at around 5am not being able to sleep. I slowly get up from bed and look around in the dark, dimly lit. I gaze over at Jae's bed to find that he's not there.

"Hmm, I wonder where he is..." I put on a hoodie, not knowing who's it was. I headed towards the door and looked around. The boys were close to leaving the dorm.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked them.

"Work. We need to finish recording a song for the album. You know the whole 'Every Day6' thing." I nod my head and say bye to them. Jae walked to wards me and hugged me.

"Take care of yourself, kay." He said with a smile.

"Make sure you tell Kat where I am." Wonpil told me.

"Yup, sure thing. Kay, see you guys later. Be careful, don't die." I said in a joking manner.

I closed the door and locked it. I should make breakfast for Kat and I. Looking around the kitchen I found out that there was pancake mix, and some blueberries. I cooked the pancake batter and added some blue berries into the mix. Once it was finished, I place two on a plate overlapping each other. I added whip cream on top, and decorated it with a bit of blue berries. By the time I was finished it was almost 7. The pancakes were still pretty hot so I left them on the kitchen bench and went to the bathroom to wash up. After, I went to Kat's room to wake her up of course, maybe we could go to the mall near by or something. I wonder if I should get some of the stuff my friends were asking for today. Any way..... I went over to knock on Kat's door to see if she was awake, which she clearly was not. Letting myself in I noticed her half on her bed and half falling off.... as usual.

"Kat, get your lazy butt up!" I pulled her completely off the bed with a thud. Rubbing her eyes while glancing up at me she looked as if she has no idea what is going on.

"The boys are out for work, so we have the dorm to ourselves. Come on, I was hoping that we could go to the mall near by."

"But I dont wanna walk~" She whined.

"Yeah, well too bad. So get your lazy ass up and get dressed. There's food in the kitchen for you."

"Ooooooh food~" of course thats the only thing she's excited about. Once Kat got dress and had breakfast we made our way to the mall close by. I sent a text to Jae just in case they came home to us not being there. While we were walking I spotted Jackson, Bambam and Mark across the road.

"Hey its Jackson, Bambam and Mark. You wanna go say hi?" I pointed out to Kat.

"Uh, yes!" So we made our across the street and walked towards the boys. We called out to them, they turned around seeming confused. Their eyebrows knitted in confusion as to who called out to them.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here. Shouldn't you be at practise right now?" Kat asked in confusion.

"Um... actually we snuck out to get food." Bambam said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, you guys better get going if you don't wanna die. Jaebum is so gonna kill you guys when he finds out." Just as I said that, my phone rang. "Actually, you guys are in deep shit now. He just rang asking if we knew where you guys were. So I suggest you run." As if on cue, Jaebum and Jinyoung were on their way towards us and as soon as the boys saw them, they ran for their lives away from them. Kat and I took a step back as Jaebum and Jinyoung chased after the boys.

"That might be the last we see of them." By looking at the faces of Jaebum and Jinyoung when they were scolding the boys, they were pissed. I heard they had a come back coming up, and for those three to leave, that wouldn't be a good idea. Well.... good luck to them.

It took us a while to walk to the mall but when we finally arrived Kat seemed a lot more happy than she was this morning. She practically dragged me from store to store, getting to try on things that she knows that I wouldn't even get it. Fortunately for me, they boys finished recording at around 2pm. So they decided to join us. Of course Kat and Wonpil were flirting with each other, so much that I practically cringed every 5 minutes. Ugh, don't remind me, that was horrible to endure.

Anyway, to get me away from it, Jae took me somewhere else. Together we walked to a bookstore, I walked around looking for a book that I would like to read. I saw a book called 'I Believe in a Thing called Love' by Maurene Goo (true book btw i have it). I noticed Jae watching me for some reason. I picked up the book and looked at the price, it was $19, a bit too expensive for me. I put it back down and continued to search for a good book, moving over to the sale section. To my dismay I couldn't find one, so I walked out of the shop taking Jae with me. Knowing him he would go and buy it for me and I can't let that happen. He payed for majority of the things I bought in Korea... mainly food.

Jae took me to another store, this time it was a jewellery shop, cliche I know. But I just enjoy looking at rings, and bracelets. But I never buy any. Either it's too expensive or it's not my style. Although I saw this beautiful ring that was rose gold, it looked like as if it was two vines wounded together. In the middle it had a gem in it. It looked absolutely gorgeous. But of course, it just had to be way too expensive for my sorry poor ass. Again I put it back down and took Jae out of the store with me.

We met up with everyone else for lunch and Jimin happened to join us. We went to eat Korean barbecue.

Seating arrangement:
Kat, Wonpil, Sungjin, Dowoon. Opposite them. Young K, Miyeon, Jae, Jimin.

We continued to talk until our food arrived. We had ordered Bibimbap, seafood omelet, and some pork to cook. One by one the food arrived. The Bibimbap was shared between two, and each pair had a different flavour, ours was Bulgogi (Young K and Miyeon). I'm not so sure what the others got. Young K, being a gentleman he scooped the Bibimbap into my bowl, along with some Seafood omelet. They were still cooking the pork. I tried the seafood omelet first, and let me tell you this, I am so bad with spicy food. This thing was burning my mouth, literally. I only had a nibble and my mouth is already on fire. I picked it up and dumped it in Jae's bowl, while trying to fan my tongue, I reached to my water and gulped the whole thing. That kinda helped.... not really. I tried to ignore the burning of my poor tongue and continued to eat my Bibimbap. It was delicious. Jae wanted to try some so he just took a spoonful, without asking of course. So in return I took some of his.

It took us almost and hour to eat, with all the chit-chatting, and arguing about food. We split the bill and left to walk home. Sungjin accompanied Jimin to walk her home, since she only lived near by. Young K was given the keys and we walked in, immediately walking to our rooms only to flop on our beds. Today was the one of the best days ever.

Jae and I talked a bit before he continued to work on the backing track of their song. While I continued to draw, and edit a photo of Jimin from BTS. I saved it and started an edit of Jae, Young K and almost every member of Day6. I felt the bed dip and Jae sat behind me. He put his chin on my shoulder looking at what I was doing. I shrugged this off, and continued to edit, acting unfazed. When in reality, my heart was beating so fast and loud that I thought Jae would be able to hear it. He was watching me do an edit of him, not weird at all... note the sarcasm. Once I finished it, I went to my gallery and moved all the Day6 edits into a folder. Jae moved his arms that he could move the curser on my laptop. He went into the Day6 folder and looked at each of the edits I did. He seemed pleased, I think.

"Hey, can you send this to me? I wanna keep it."

"Um, are you sure? It's not that good to be honest."

"No, I'm sure. My bestfriend is very talented, and of course I want a copy of it to remember."

They only thing that bothered me was the word "bestfriend".

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