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I look around my messy abode and decide to go pick up my younger by 9 months brother.

I arrive at the school for the first time in 30 years, I am 1,034 years old and have been stuck in the same body since I was 17 years old with the exact same appearance.

School is exactly the same as I remember. There's the cheerleaders, the jocks, the nerds, the weird kids. Basically like any cringey high school movie.

As I step inside the school complex, I feel everyone's eyes on me. Tbh, I don't mind though, actually I like it. I immediately see Jonah. Damn, he's cute. He's walks my way.
"Hey, ash. Need a tour guide for the day ?" He asks.
I smirk. "That'd be bomb" I reply.
After the first periods are over, it's lunch.

We walk outside, and keep walking. It seems as if it is the furthest place you could be from any one else. There's a group of a few kids, Daniel, a girl called Odessa and another called Jaime. Instantly I knew they must be other vampires. I sit down and immediately start a conversation with them being the extravert I am.

After a few minutes pass, Violet finally walks over with a bag across her shoulder. I notice Daniels eyes automatically look up. He likes her, I think to myself.

"Hey guys. Erghh class with Mr Dave today was the worst, he just kept constant-" She stops mid speech.
"Wait, Ash! You're here!!" She squeals as she comes in for a hug.
I laugh.
"We're gonna have soo much fun this year, just like old times." She continues.

Violet walks over, finally. I'd been waiting a while. She started talking, but I wasn't really listening, more just admiring her from a far. Man, she had the prettiest eyes.
Tbh I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her since "the incident." I didn't really know much about her, all I do know is that I want to get to know her more.
Luckily next period, I'd get to spend some time with her.

It's science class, she sat at the front as usual, and me somewhere around the middle. The teacher told us to pair up for an assignment. Instantly, I asked Violet.
Yay I thought to myself. I'd actually have an excuse to talk to her!

Does Daniel like me? I wondered. I was secretly so happy when he asked to be partners for the assignment. But I mean he did plan to kill me yesterday, I can't like someone like that, right ?

We start the assignment, mostly just talking about sciencey stuff. Then whilst he sets up the microscope, his hand gently touches mine and goosebumps run across my skin. Okay I do like him I admit to myself. I really like him...

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