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We start watching the movie. Logan puts his hand around me and I lay my head on his chest. It was really comfortable

Mary: is this normal for friends?
Logan: I think😂

We laugh

Logan's POV:
I put my hand around her and she lays her head on my chest. How cute. She asks me if this was normal for friends? Hmm.. So she thinks we're friends.. Okay.. I'll show her that I want to be more than friends

Mary's POV:
My legs were next to his. We were laying on his bed. Suddenly he grabs my leg and pulls it closer to him

Mary: um..
Logan: what? I just wanna be comfortable
Mary: okay, i'll let it go this time

I don't say I don't like it. I loved it. 20 minutes later the movie ends. I get up

Mary: that was interesting, now I really need to go..

He grabs my hand and pulls me back in the bed, then hugs me

Logan: no you don't
Mary: okay, you're really getting weird
Logan: you like it, don't lie
Mary: well kinda..

He puts his hand in my hair and massages it for a bit

Logan: do you like it
Mary: I'm gonna fall asleep..
Logan: you can.
Mary: I can't stay over..
Logan: tell me one reason why?
Mary: I don't have any
Logan: then stay
Mary: but nothing happens tonight
Logan: don't worry

I take my phone and text my mom

Mary: "hey mom, I'm gonna stay over at Logan's. Don't worry, nothing will happen xo"

Then I put my phone away

Logan: Tell me honestly did you love Mike
Mary: do we really need to talk about him
Logan: I just wanna know
Mary: I did. And I don't know why.
Logan: okay. That's all what I wanted to know
Mary: make me forget about him.
Logan: how?

I kiss him.. It was so magical. We make out

Logan: I thought u said nothing will happen?
Mary: so you don't like it
Logan: no. I love it
Mary: well that was enough, gn Logan
Logan: gn

Logan's POV:
Damn, that makeout was good. I wish I could get more, but she turned around and I guess she fell asleep

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