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I go home and shower. I see that Mike has been calling me few times, so I call him

Mike: hey babe!
Mary: hi!
Mike: why didn't you answer to my calls?
Mary: oh I was at the dance practice with Logan
Mike: dance practice?
Mary: I'll explain it when I see you
Mike: yeah that's why I called you. Can you come over?
Mary: ugh babe, I'm super tired.. Tomorrow?
Mike: fine..

I go to sleep. In the morning I wake up and get ready for school, again Logan picks me up. I get in the car

Logan: gm!
Mary: gm
Logan: u okay?
Mary: yeah, I'm just tired..
Logan: oh ok

We go to school. I walk through the hallway and see Rina flirting with some nerd.

Logan: imma go, see ya later
Mary: bye

I go to Rina and the nerd goes away

Mary: you aren't serious right?
Rina: its fine! I only need him to do my math homework
Mary: you're an awful person

I laughed as she joined me

Rina: i knoww

At the lunch Lukas was trying to flirt to me. I was trying to explain that I'm taken, but he didn't care

Lukas: cmon be mine now
Mary: I have a boyfriend! Why can't  you understand that!?
Lukas: oh I know those games! Listen if u had a boyfriend he would be here protecting you!

Logan was at the table next to us. I guess he was pretty annoyed because what he did next was.. Hugh!

He kissed me.

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