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Oh hi you're back..

Well it's still Mary and yeah.. Logan's gone.

It's a timeskip to the Friday he flew to LA.

Without him I really feel like sh*t..

I'm allowed to go, but I'm going next week which is really disturbing because I don't know what he's doing at the moment. He could be on some sort of a party, he could be in his apartment, he could even be with another girl..

Ugh Mary just stop.

Lately I think I'm overthinking everything which is pretty shitty.

Also why do I suddenly have anxiety when he's not around? As if my body can't function properly without him

Anyways I'm heading to the mall to meet up with Rina, I need to tell her everything what's happening at the moment. I'm kinda scared to tell her about the moving part

I mean, she is still my best friend and could get hurt or be sad..

I got out of my car and went in the mall, seeing her standing right in front of Starbucks

Mary: Heyyoo!
Rina: Hey girl!

She smiled and pulled me in for a hug. We went inside ordered our coffees and sat down on a table

Rina: so how's life
Mary: terrible.
Rina: spill the tea girl

I laughed at her reaction

Mary: well Logan moved to Los Angeles.
Rina: WAT?!

She almost yelled

Mary: calm down.. That's not the triggering part.
Rina: oh do not tell me-
Mary: i'm moving too
Rina: fuck no

I laughed a little, but she was sad. You could see she was proud of me and happy for my success, but was also sad that she'll lose me.

Mary: don't worry, we'll keep in contact.
Rina: oh bitch we better do, I mean that was kinda obvious.

We both laughed

We spent the rest of the day preparing me for the famous cali vibe. Which means we bought bunch of clothes that I might didn't necessarily need, for L.A.

After we finished I sat back in my car. The moment that I started it my phone started ringing, I picked it up and automatically smiled.

It was Logan.

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