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There were two more performances before me and Logan headed to the stage. We stood in the middle holding our hands and looking each other directly in the eyes

Logan: we can do this

He smiles and i smile back. The music started. We did our first move, second, third and soon it was only two steps away from the end. Logan grabed me thightly, pulled me close and gived me most charming kiss ever.

I could hear people cheering and applausing. I pull back, look at Logan and smile. I look down and see my mom crying, she was so happy. I look over to Rina, she was shook. Sonja was jealous as usual and Logan's crew were proud of him..

Logan's POV:

As I look around i saw a lot of faces. My boys were cheering. Somewhere at the end I saw my mum. Damn, this is such a good feeling, being infront of 100 people with my girl by my side... They were still applausing, i realaized we were both standing here akwardly. I quickly grab Mary and lift her up. Then i kissed her again

Mary's POV:

Tears started falling down my face. Suddenly Logan lifted me up and kissed me, just what i needed. I hug him thightly before going to backstage.

-10 minutes later-

Mom: you guys were amazing!
Pam: you two made me cry!
Logan: when did you two meet up
Pam: well, me and Mary's mother are good friends
Logan: oh no..

We all laugh. Me and Logan go to our friends

Marcus: bro, i thought you gonna smash up there!
Logan: well i already did

He smirks and i punch him playfully. The rest of the group laughs

Rina: that was awesome guys, i literally thought i was in a romantic movie for a sec
Daniel: yeah it was so cool
Mary: thanks guys
Becky: guys does any of you believe that tomorrow it's our last day of school?
Mary: its crazy how time goes so fast
Logan: yeah
Marcus: does anyone know what's up with Mike
Logan: i do

I look at him confuesed

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