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Logan: He's gone!

We all laugh

Rina: hey guys when are we going to Miami?
Marcus: where?
Logan: oh i actually called the owner and he told me we can bring two more friends. So Marcus are you down?
Marcus: for what?
Mary: we're going to Miami for a weekend
Daniel: we'll stay in a house
Marcus: who's coming?
Logan: me, Mary, Rina and Daniel
Marcus: sure why not?
Mary: Becky, hbu?
Becky: nah. i'm not into it
Rina: okay..
Logan: Leo are you down?

Leo was the most beautiful guy in the school,(well at least other girls thought that) but for me he wasn't hot at all.

Leo: yeah
Logan: okay then, we're meeting on thursday at the airport. I'll text you all the other info

*Skip to Thursday*

Mom: be safe Mary
Mary: i will mom

I hug her and go into Logan's car. He drove us to the airport. Rina and Daniel were already there

Rina: thank god, i already thought you guys are gonna miss the flight
Mary: where are Marcus and Leon?
Daniel: they're on their way
Logan was looking around, i take his hand
Mary: Logan can we go grab food?
Logan: ofc

We go to some food shop and i buy me some chicken salad. When we came back to our group everyone was there

Logan: great, let's get going guys!

He turned around and looked at me. Then smiled

Mary: what?
Logan: i'm just looking after you. I could easily lost you here, i mean you're really tiny
Mary: wow.

We board on the plane and few hours later we finally arrived in Miami. Before going out, Logan gived me a kiss. Why though? We were sitting together the whole time. We all took an uber and he drived us to our house. But as we arrived there, we all described it as a mansion

Rina: this is amazing!
Mary: incredible
Daniel: i love it

We were all amazied by it. We get in and explore for a bit. Logan leads everyone to their rooms and they all went unpacking

Mary: and where's my room?
Logan: you're staying with me
Mary: and where?

He laughs. Then takes my hand

Logan: cmon, i'm gonna show you

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