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Chapter 1
You just woke up and you smell eggs and bacon. Yours and matts favrote breakfast meal so you put on a yellow crop top and some Black Jean shorts and went downstairs
M (Matt): oh hi y/n
Y/n: you never cook
M: but it's A special day for my Rosie
He always call You Rosie because you had these Rosie cheeks and you smiled
Y/n: what is today?
Y/n: ohh wait
M: what's wrong
Y/n: what time is it
M: 11:45 why
M: what
Y/n: I'm i'm supposed to meet Mark
M: oh...
Matts POV
I hate mark so much because he cheated on her once and she is still with him she deserves better like me haha I wish
Y/n: can I borrow your Range Rover
M: sure
Y/n: ok thanks
M: bye
Y/: bye
When she left I planned her surprise birthday party and lots of people came but of course even though I didn't want to I had to invite Mark
Your POV
I went into his Range Rover and I notices Spotify was hooked up to the Bluetooth in the car so I listen to his playlist and it was really good and then 15 minutes later I arrived at Marks house
Y/n: babe I'm home
No answer
Y/n babe
I went upstairs and opened marks door my jaw dropped I can't believe what is was seeing

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