Chapter 3

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I smiled the whole way back to my room. 

One definite friend.  I actually have one definite friend.  It felt so good to finally feel like I had made a friend worth keeping, regardless of the enemies I was developing with Levi and Juliette.

When I made it back into the room, I took off my damp t-shirt and tossed it into the corner.  I was still wearing a light tank top on so I didn’t bother changing into pajamas just yet.  I glanced at the photo resting on my dresser and ran to my bag.  I found my cellphone and hit number one on the automatic dialer.  I pressed the speaker button and let the sound fill the room.  With every passing ring, the air grew tenser and I longed even more to hear my father. 

There was a click.

And then a voice.

“Hello?”  I inhaled deeply and let my father’s smooth tone ring clear through the air.

I finally spoke.  “Hi dad.”

I heard his sigh of relief on the other end.  “Oh honey, how are you doing?  The school called me about earlier; are you alright?” 

I laughed for a second.  “I’m fine dad.  It was just dehydration.”

“I know; they told me.  And I told you to make sure to drink plenty of water.”

“Yeah, well I was kind of preoccupied.”

“Ah yes; the fight.”

“It wasn’t really a fight.  Just a blow to a face.”

“It wasn’t your face was it?”  He seemed alarmed.

“No dad, I was the one who punched his face.”

“It was a boy who started this?”  He seemed a bit surprised. 

“Yeah.  But you should have seen it; the teachers let me off easy and I didn’t even get in trouble.  I guess this kid has a record or something because everyone almost praised me once they realized it was him.”

There was a long pause. 

“I think he likes you.”

I gasped.  “DAD!” 

“I’m just teasing sweetie, don’t pass out on me.”

I rolled my eyes.  “That’s not funny.  I didn’t enjoy it considering I missed more than half of my classes.”

“Well there’s always tomorrow.” 

“Yeah, I suppose.”

Another long pause settled over the room.  It was dead silent.

“How is work treating you?”  I wanted to make sure that the thing separating us was actually working out for him.

“Oh it’s going wonderfully sweetie.  I think I got a really good deal for my client today.”

“That’s good.”  I grinned and sat cross-legged on my bed as another wave of silence splashed over the phone line.  I exhaled and finally found the courage to admit what I was feeling.  “I really miss you.  A lot of the kids here don’t even like me.”

I heard my father grunt on the other side of the phone conversation and heard some kind of ruffling – maybe from adjusting his position in a chair – before he began speaking.  “Now Lexi, you promised me you would be strong.”

“I know, I know.  It’s just so different here.  You can’t expect me to be used to it automatically.”

“I don’t expect you to be used to it automatically, and I don’t expect you to even like it there.  But you have to do this for me, ok honey?” 

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