Chapter 6

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            “Let me get this straight,” Natalie began.  “They told you that you were their lady and basically called off the fight?”

I shrugged my shoulders and tugged at the edge of my sleeve nervously.  The little dew drops on the nighttime grass started to soak the bottom of my pant legs.  “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

“That’s interesting.”  Natalie thought aloud.  “The Arcane Creatures have never been that loyal to a Protector since…”

“The reign of Infinity.”  Noah finished her sentence.  I felt my heart skip a beat as they spoke the name, but I tried to stay as elusive as possible to the subject.

“Maybe that’s why someone wants her, maybe her or her family shares ties to Infinity.”  I could feel my pulse quicken as Malcolm spoke.  Would they find out about the mark?  Would I be in trouble? I pulled the hair tie out of my hair gently and let my hair fall loose over my shoulders, hoping it would help in hiding my neck.

Levi suddenly separated from our group and stood in front of us, walking backwards toward the Protectors building.  “You honestly think she has ties with Infinity?  I mean have you even seen her?”  He held his hands out towards me and I frowned, not knowing if he was trying to be offensive, or just trying to help.

“I think Levi’s got a point.”  Juliette answered.  “You’d think someone with ties to Infinity would be somewhat more decent than her.”  I raised my eyebrows at her comment.

“Nevertheless, Mr. Lockwood will probably have answers for us.  It’s too bad that the groups left before we could find out what really happened to the member of the werewolf pack.”  Eva sighed.

“Yeah, because Lexi just had to be the one badass to scare off two groups of Arcane Creatures at their strongest times – on her first mission.  That my friends, is pretty freaking amazing.” commented Malcolm.  “I’ve got to hand it to you, if I was in your position, backed up against a tree with no defense and a big wolf coming at me, I probably would have soiled my underpants.”

Everyone started laughing loudly, even Juliette.  I was surprised that we didn’t wake up everyone on campus.  Levi turned just as we neared the building and entered the door, holding it out for the rest of us.  The halls were much busier than I expected, considering it was a school building and it was near 7:30 at night.  Groups of other students were walking to and fro, talking to some adults and carrying strange tools and weapons.  I stretched with a yawn.  I was starting to feel pretty tired.  The idea of sleep filled my mind and I sighed.  Even though it wasn’t late, I had been through enough for the day.

“Ah, division A1!  Hello my fellow Protectors, why back so soon?”  Mr. Skyward walked toward us energetically with a clipboard in his hand.  “I trust your mission was a success.”

“Yup, sure was, where’s Mr. Lockwood?”  Levi glanced around, seeming distracted.

“He’s right down the hall in his office.  He just finished debriefing division A2.”  Mr. Skyward’s enthusiastic expression seemed to lessen and he eyed me.  “Is everything alright?”

“Everything is super.  We just need to see Mr. Lockwood.”  Levi pushed past Mr. Skyward and started down the hall.  Mr. Skyward shot me a glance that said ‘what happened?’ and I shrugged in reply, following Levi.

“That was kind of rude.”  I mumbled.  A cool breeze swept in through the air conditioning of the school and I hugged my arms tightly.  It was obvious that I was freezing; even if I was wearing a dark, long-sleeved shirt.  Levi looked weary as he marched down the hall.  The tips of his raven-black hair glinted red in the dim light of the ceiling.  I heard the soft whispers of Natalie and Evangelina just behind me.  Although their voices were hushed, the tiny sounds of their breath echoed in my ears. 

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