Chapter 1

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Allura sighed tiredly, plopping herself down onto her satin sheets, mind in a whirl wind. She wanted to think. To think about all the things she'd lost in what appeared to be just a couple of months, but in actuality it had been centuries. Centuries since everything she had ever truly cared about was violently ripped away from her. Altea was gone, her father was long dead, and the to her knowledge, the only remaining Alteans in the entirety of the universe were her, Coran, and Zarkon's vile witch, Haggar.

In all honesty, Allura really didn't give herself time to grieve. If you can call sobbing profusely into the nearest person's shoulder for three minutes "grieving", then maybe she had. But, definitely not enough for her to feel emotionally stable. Obviously, there were many things that caused Allura pain, but there was one thing she refused to ever acknowledge, even when she was deep in her thoughts, and that was her only brother, Lance. Who she believes died in the attempt to stop Zarkon, and even if that wasn't true, even if her precious sibling made it out of Altea unharmed, Allura had been sleeping for ten centuries, surely her little brother would be long gone by now.

Allura shook her head and removed those thoughts from her head, instead she looked around her elegantly decorated sleeping chamber, everything was exactly the same as it was when she first called it her own, thousands of years ago, "Fit for a princess!" her parents would say, smiling warmly, or at least that's how Allura always remembered it.

After a while, Allura eyes wandered towards her digitally projected clock, "11:00 pm earth time. I wonder if anyone is up." She questioned, before quickly getting up to stretch, she guessed at least Pidge would be up, they were always up to something no matter the time. Heading towards her closet for some more appropriate than a pink slip, she eventually walked out of the room with a Voltron onesie on. She got it when the gang went to a space mall, and well there was a really convincing Unnaloo with some very great, totally not self-promoting, merchandise.

As the current paladin of the Blue Lion, Allura proudly wore the Blue Lion onesie, Keith occasionally wore his Red lion onesie, Pidge practically lived in the thing, Shiro only wore it for "family pictures", Hunk slept with it on, and well Coran had to be included so he very happily wears The Voltron onesie, all the lions together into their amazing, Galra fighting space robot.

Allura skipped down the halls, being pleasantly surprised by the echoing laughter filling the corridors. "What could they be laughing at? At this hour?" She wondered, quickening her pace to wherever the cheerful sound was coming from. After about five minutes of randomly popping her head into any rooms she thought could be producing the joyous noise, she eventually stumbled into the lounge, where a projector seemed to showing home videos of Allura, and a random tan, freckle wearing, white haired boy no one knew except her and Coran.

No one asked questions, instead they all continued to enjoy the short clips and pictures, completely ignoring the fact that a boy who looked exactly like her was also there. Pidge was perched on the couch, Keith was sprawled on the floor, Hunk was holding the popcorn, with his legs crossed below Pidge, but at ground level, Shiro sat at the end smiling goofily, his legs crossed over each other as he also enjoyed the Allura compilation, and Coran's eyes were glossed over, completely mesmerized by the screen.

It hurt, seeing Lance hurt, seeing Altea's lush gardens hurt, seeing her parents smiling face hurt. So, Allura quietly sat down, unnoticed, and also decided to indulge in bittersweet memories, and as the salty hot tears ran down her flawless skin, streaking her cheeks, she smiled because even if it hurt. She had a family, and she wasn't going to fight alone, because even if they didn't know everything, they knew something, and that goes a long way.

Keith groaned, two hours of home videos and everyone except him was passed out on the floor. "Are you guys serious? It's not even that late!" He complained, kicking Shiro softly only to find there was no way in hell he was possibly waking Shiro up. 'Fuck me' Keith rolled his eyes, quickly glancing over all of his passed-out teammates.

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