So wrong, but feels so right.

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You stood looking out the window in the dimly light room, heavy curtains pulled to the side. It was a peaceful night in City-S, the streets remained fairly busy even at this ungodly hour. Lights flashing, people rushing to get to where they were going, the soft murmur of the distant cars flying down the freeway. You had been to the hotel a few times before and after a recent run in with a certain face fuck, blue haired, dip shit at the previously one, you decided to return to this place. Plus, they were very clean and very discrete. The room was still fairly basic: a large king bed with soft white sheets, more than enough pillows, a large tv, a desk, dresser, beige walls, random "neutral" pictures, and lovely spacious bathroom. Hey, just because you were here for a night to meet up with and fuck a certain infamous white hair male, doesn't mean you can't spend a little extra and meet in style right? There was a gentle knock on the door that caught your attention and you pulled yourself away from the curtain to see who it was. Looking through the peep hole, you saw that white hair your had been day dreaming about. Better late than never I guess. You opened the door to find the man (or should you say monster?) that had kept you waiting for what felt like forever. "Miss me sweet-cheeks?" He smirked, baring his gorgeous white teeth and those sharp canines that you had become so found of. "You're late," was your only reply. You poked your head out the door looking up and down the hall to make sure no one was there before grabbing his arm and pulling him into the room, locking the door behind you.

"Before you ask, no. No one followed me here," Garou stated. "Well fuck, can you blame me for being worried? Not exactly going to be fun for either of us if we're caught," you replied placing a hand on your hip. You were a hero, a great one at that, one many admired; you were a person who had certain expectations to uphold. Wether Garou understood that or did but couldn't be bothered to give a damn was amiss to you. "Aww, come on. You've got to admit you'd like it if one of those assholes came in here to see the great (h/n) getting fucked, by the Hero Hunter himself, no less." His words, as crass as they were, came out as a pur, one you wanted to silence with your lips and not the ones he currently was eyeing.

You sauntered over to Garou with your hands clasped, swaying your hips a little, reveling in the way his golden eyes followed each step. He reached his hands out to meet your hips but you stopped just before the tips of his fingers could pull you in. "Hmm, oh yeah, I'd just love it if I was literally caught with my pants down, in bed with the 'enemy.'" You air quoted enemy because honestly Garou never really hunted anyone the way you saw it. Yeah he beat up a lot of heroes and some high ranking ones too but he never killed anyone. He rolled his eyes at your mockery of his claim to fame and pulled you into him, lowering his head to push his forehead gently into yours. "Don't tell me you're getting soft, princess. I like it when you've got some fight in you," he growled gripping your ass to accentuate the last bit of his sentence.

You slapped his chest playfully but let him roll your head back to give him better access to your neck, running a hand up his shirt feeling the way his muscles tensed up from your light touch. Garou wasted no time getting to work, deciding to save the talking for later and let your actions speak for themselves. His hands roamed your clothed torso, kneading your soft breasts and running down your sides to grip your hips; he ran his thumb over your bottom lip before crashing his own into them. Tongues began to fight for dominance but Garou had other plans and easily over powered yours. You moaned into his mouth, feeling his lips curve in amusement at the corners. God he knew how to piss you off. In retaliation, you bit his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood and his growl became less friendly.

He pushed you onto the white sheets of the bed and stood over you, taking in the sight he told himself he'd never get tired of seeing: cheeks flushed, lips parted, suit half unzipped, and the your hair framed the curve of your cheek bones perfectly. Well, in his opinion away and that's all that matters, right? Right. You kicked off your heavy boots and scooted back onto the bed, bring your knees under you to kneel in front of him as you slowly pulled the zipper of you suit down, eyes never leaving his. You could tell from the look he was giving you, it was going to be a rough night and you couldn't wait. Once the zipper had reached it's stopping point, you slowly pulled your arms out, sitting back down to pull it the rest of the way off before Garou stoped you. "May I have the honors?" You couldn't stop the smirk that made its way to your lips. "It would be my pleasure," you teased. Garou wrapped a hand around your ankle pulling to closer to the end of the large bed. He ran his cool fingers from your toes to your ankle where he hooked the hem of your pant leg to slowly pull the rest of your suit off. Before the suit even hit the floor Garou then began spreading your legs so the inside of your knees were at both his hips. His hands traveled up your thighs, stopping at your shoulders to guide you down on the bed. Once he was sure you wouldn't sit up, he leaned in, so close you could feel his breath on your lips. "I'm not sure what's better, you in that tight suit that shows off that gorgeous ass or you naked beneath me like this." 'God he's going to be the actual end of me,' you thought to yourself.

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