A Day in the Life of Garou

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       Just a quick warning, there is NO SEX in the chapter. It's just a filler. Sorry guys ☹️

The next morning Garou woke up, you had already gone to patrol. The only thing left behind was a note saying when you planned on meeting him again for the next time and some room service so you would know he had something to eat. He didn't consider the note rude because hey, he didn't have anything better to do for the next two days. Not like he could have a job or anything; plus, who doesn't like free breakfast?

After he ate, he showered and left the hotel through the back. 'Hmm, what to do today.. I could cause some trouble,' he thought to himself but thought better of it a moment later. He had a good thing going for him with you around even if it wasn't much by others standards, but it was enough for him. Thinking back to when he was younger he couldn't remember a time when someone had cared so much as you other than the Old Man. Heh, I wonder how that old bastards doing. When Garou looked up from his thoughts, he found himself at the library. 'Guess I could kill some time here.'

Garou wandered inside and signed up for a library card under the name "Ben Dover" and when asked by the librarian if that was his real name, he acted offended by her rude attitude, saying she was no better than his former classmates. Needless to say, his guilt trip won his 2 free hours on the computer and a multitude of apologies. Garou thanked the woman for the offer and accepted her apology. 'Damn, I should be an actor! Not that blue hair moron on tv.'

As he walked through the many shelves of books to get to the computers, his eye caught something he never thought he'd get his hands on. He stopped with one foot out, arms freezing in mid air before turning towards the shelf. He stood there for a moment just staring at the book before slipping a finger over the top of the spine to pull it out.

The book was big, worn, and a dusty maroon color; the front of it read "Kama Sutra" in big bold letters. 'Oh. My. God. Am I seriously about to do this?' Garou's fingers tentatively opened the book to a page somewhere in the middle, almost glaring down at it. He read a few pages and came to the conclusion that this book was nothing like what people talked about it. 'I mean yeah there's sex positions but what the hell? I thought it'd be more..' Garou tried to rack his brain for the right word before he was so rudely interrupted.

"Hey man, if you're looking for some different things to try in the bedroom, try researching 'daddy doms', you look like a man who likes control." Garou glances to his right to find a man who looked like he was in his late 30's, well dressed, and well groomed, standing far too close for comfort. After Garou registered what the man had said, he took a step back from him, slowly closed the book, set it back down in its rightful place and turned toward the man.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You're a sick fuck! Who the hell would ever-" Garou was able to keep his voice to a loud whisper considering the fact he never knew if there was a hero around and that he didn't want to make a scene. They were tucked away from prying eyes for the time being, hidden between two large book selves that Garou planned on using to crush this disgusting pervert. "Wow, wow, wooow, there buddy! I-I wasn't trying to say anything about what you think I said, I-I don't even have kids!" The man held his hands up defensively, Garou had taken hold of the mans nice button up shirt and balled the collar in two fists to bring him closer once more to look him in the eyes.

Garou tried to burn holes into the mans skull just by looking at him and from the expression on the mans face, he was. "You've got about 10 seconds to tell me what the fuck you mean then." Garou's grip remained strong as the man tried to take a step back, failing but succeeding in pissing Garou off a little more, and began explaining: "I-it's just kink! It's got nothing to do with kids and anyone under age! Well of c-corse there's sick bastards who-who do that but that's not me I swear! I've got too much to lose to play that game even if I w-wanted to. W-which of corse I d-don't!" Garou searches his eyes for any hint of a lie and found none so he gently released him. "Well what is it then?" The man looked like he wanted to run but stayed to hopefully make Garou believe he wasn't some nasty dude looking at kids.

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