So wrong, but feels so right: part 2

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         "Ummm, Garou dear?.. what exactly are you doing?" Garou had you turned over on your stomach facing the headboard. He had hooked your feet over his shoulders and was currently staring between your legs. "I thought it would be fun to try out a new position," you didn't need to look back to see him smile, you could hear it. "Have you been reading that stupid sex magazine again? I will admit yes there's been a few positions that are nice but this-" you waved your hand in a circle, "is kind of.. unsettling." "Mhmm I hear ya dear but you see, I'm going to do this anyway and you know, that I know, that you know you're gonna let me and will more then likely enjoy it."

You stayed quite for a moment, mulling over the idea. Garou was pretty carful with you and if you really didn't like it, he would stop the moment you said so. "Fine, just don't drop me on my head like that one time." "You're never going to let that go, are you?" You could hear him slicking himself up again, not that you'd need it considering the fact that you were still soaked from the mind blowing head you just received, but a little lube never hurt anyone. Garou held your hips and began to slip in while you tried to balance yourself on your forearms. "Oh god, Garou that feels good.~"

Garou grunted before replying, "Fuck, even after I finger you, you're always so damn tight." He moved slow so not to hurt you, but you wanted it right fucking now. So, you bent you feet hooking his shoulder and pulled him in before he could readjust his hips. As he was pulled further into you, your walls were stretch causing a hot stinging sensation that was not at all bad. How you had gone about it was a little awkward but it got the job done; Garou should've been pissed at you for taking over but he couldn't find it in himself after he heard the moan you made. "Mmm, Garou~ move please!" You begged. Garou growled at you "Fuck! At least worn a guy," but wasted no time setting a fast pace.

Garou's cock was the opposite of what you'd think from looking at him; with him being so tall and lanky you'd think he'd have more length than girth, but he was perfect. Well, maybe not perfect considering the fact that you'd have trouble walking for the next three days after each encounter. Garou was thick and long, he was slightly curved, just right to hit all the important spots on the way in and out, plus it always helped when a man actually knew how to use his dick.

The smacking of wet skin was getting loud, you could hear Garou curse under his breath. "Ah! Already- fuck. Already feeling it, huh?" You tried to speak through the moans and feeling of ecstasy building back up. "You better watch that mouth be-f-fore I fuck it," he tried and failed at threatening you. From his difficulty speaking and how hot your inside where beginning to feel, you could tell that he was getting close. The head of his cock brushing the sweet spot just enough to keep your mouth from shutting but it wasn't enough, you wanted to look at his face when you came, you wanted to ride his thick cock the way he loved and to see his face contort with golden eyes rolling back, mouth open.

"Fuck (f/n), if you don't shut up I'm going to-" he didn't want to say it in fear of coming undone. Honestly you didn't know you were speaking out loud or that you could speak considering the current state you were in at all. Regardless, Garou must've liked your idea because he pulled out quickly. He grabbed one of your legs to spin you around, once you looked at him you could see he was really holding back. His teeth were clenched, one eye closed, and a hand gripping the base to stop himself from coming. Garou rolled to the bed on his back then waved a hand at you asking for you to ride him. Your smirk grew as you dramatically threw one leg of his hips and settled the head of his dick at your entrance.

"Ready, babe?" You asked eyeing him; he blushed at the pet name even though you meant it as a joke. "Give me a sec, I'm worried I'm going to cum as soon as I'm back in you." The way Garou said it, so slow, voice gruff, but gentle, made a chill run down your spin and that spring in your stomach tighten. "Heh, I don't even have to touch you and I can make you cum," Garou said as he saw the way your posture changed and the hungry look on your face. He gave your ass a loud smack, then it was his turn to smirk and you narrowed your eyes. "Is that fucking so?" You raised a brow and before he could get another word out you sank down onto his burning manhood biting your lip to contain the moan you wanted so badly to release. Garou let out a string of cuss words that probably would've continued had you not started bouncing your hips and brought both hands to wrap around his neck.

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