Unfinished Business

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"(Y/n). Hey, wake up." You felt someone gently shaking you by the shoulder. Before opening your eyes, you rolled over expecting to see Badd telling you he needed to get going but instead you found a pair for golden eyes starring back at you. The world stopped, your felt your chest tighten just the slightest, breath getting caught in your throat until you realized, "Oh my fucking god!" You wanted to yell but thought better of it, "The fuck are you doing here, Garou?" Anxiety began to take hold of the soft feeling from before. You looked over to the bedroom door to see it closed, you jumped out of bed as quietly as possible to lock it. Badd wasn't one to barge in, especially on a girl, he did have a little sister after all, however you weren't going to take a chance with this.

          You slowly turned your head, eyes closed, hoping (but not really) that when you opened them Garou wouldn't be standing there and it would have been a dream. You opened them to see said man standing next to your bed, head cocked to the side just slightly with an adorably cute look. 'God damn it, he's going to be the actual death of me,' you thought. Then it all came back, there was a wanted man in your apartment, while you're best friend who just so happened to be a hero was sleeping in the other room. Oh yeah, and they tried to kill each other at one point. Great way the start the day off, have two grown ass men tear the building down in a fight because their egos are too big to be in one room.

          You walked over to Garou, not sure if you were going to hit him or hug him. You decided on neither for the time being. "Garou, what are you doing here?" He tilted his head down to see you better. "Are you going to let me answer this time or jump up and run off again?" You folded your arms and rolled your eyes without a word. Garou took this as his cue to begin.

          "Look," he sighed. "I got up this morning fully intending to go to the dojo to eat there but those association asshole you work for where bothering Bang Sensei for more information on my whereabouts. So, it was either I come here, like you said I could, or go steal some food. Didn't expect you'd have company this early." As he finished explaining, Garou looked up at the door. You followed his gaze just to make sure he wasn't burning holes through the wood. With a heavy sigh, you tried to think of a plan. Looking at your nightstand, the clock read 8:47 AM, Badd usually wasn't up until about 9:30 so you had some time. The problem was you couldn't bring Garou into the kitchen with him there and you weren't so sure you could cook without waking Badd. 'Shit, Badd would want to go out for breakfast knowing him.'

          You looked over to Garou who was watching you, he averted his gaze making a 'tch' sound. 'Is he blushing? Never mind,' you gave him a quick up and down before saying, "Do you want to take a shower first?" Maybe the sound would wake up Badd and he'd just leave with plans to come back another time. You could send him a text saying you had some important stuff to do today. "Ohhh, I see~," Garou cooed. "You told me you were into some weird shit but I didn't think you'd have a kink for being watched," Garou jerked his head the direction of the door, "I'm not going to say no though, dude better fucking keep his hands to himself. I mean, yesterday he just-" Garou realized what he said and cut himself off looking at you.


          'I knew it! I knew I saw him!' Just as you were about to comment on Garou's stalking you heard a knock on your door. "Hey (y/n), you up? I was thinking we could try that new place in town for breakfast." Garou looked like he was about to smash down the door so you quickly added, "Uhh, hey! Yeah I'm up! I was actually getting undressed to shower, I've got some BS the HA wants me to get done this morning. Maybe another time?" You hoped that Badd wouldn't notice the lie and that Garou wouldn't push past your hands on his chest. He had taken ahold of your wrists but made no indication of removing them.

          "O-oh. Well, that blows. Yeah, uh, just text me when you're done I guess? We can plan for another time. 'Sides, I know Zenko would really enjoy seein' ya sometime." You felt bad lying to him like that, especially after what last night. "Thanks, Badd, I really appreciate it. I'm sorry I can't go out but we'll make new plans for sure. I could never say no to your sister, haha!" You tried to end it on a lighter note, you could feel Garou getting tense under your fingers. "Sounds good! Want me ta feed Atomu before I skedaddle?" "Who the fuck says 'skedaddle'?" Garou asked to no one in particular. "I'm sorry (y/n), what was that?" Badd asked behind the door. You felt the blood drain from your face, 'Quick! Think of something!' "Oh! Ha-ha! Just talking shit! You know me! Ha-ha!" Even you could tell the laugh was uncomfortable and forced Badd just played along, telling you to say it to his face. "Ha-ha, maybe some other time! But, uhh, yeah if you could feed Atomu before you leave that'd be great!" Badd agreed, so you listened to him filling up the dog bowl and shouting one last goodbye before closing the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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