Chapter 5: Old Man Charles

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Autumn eyed me curiously. "How do you know the new guy's name?"

"I met him at the vending machine," I said casually while taking the last bite of my Twix.

"He seems kinda hot, doesn't he, Nat?" gushed Drew, grinning at me while waggling her brows up and down.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Stop it."

"Come on, when are you gonna start dating someone?" asked Autumn exasperatedly.

"When everyone stops pressuring me to," I glared at her.

Being the only single one who had never dated, my friends made it their life goal to fix me up with any available guy, or girl, just in case I might swing for the other team. Ugh.

Cole belched loudly, startling all of us, before standing up to leave. "Well, I got some business to attend to."

He was about to kiss Autumn on the lips when she stopped him. "Ew, babe, you literally just burped your whole lunch."

He pecked her quickly on the cheek instead and left to go do God knows what. Probably out to smoke a joint like he usually did with his 'bad boy' crew.

"So, speaking of hot new people, did you ladies happen to see the hot new substitute teacher?" grinned Jack.

Drew pointed her salad fork at Jack. "Please tell me you don't mean Ms. Venus."

"Why, what's wrong with her?" Jack frowned.

"Besides the fact that she replaced one of our favorite teachers," I explained, "there's something creepy about her."

Jack shrugged. "She's still hot, though."

A ringtone chimed and Drew took out her phone. "I gotta go," she announced while standing up from her seat. "Ric wants to meet up with me before classes to work on our science project." She adjusted her thick glasses on her face and brushed her hands down her cream-colored sundress and cardigan.

"Ooh," I teased as Autumn made kissy noises and Jack whistled. "You trying to look hot for your rendezvous with the boyfriend, eh, Drew?"

"Of course she's gotta look good for Ric, Nat," chimed Autumn as she smiled at me.

Ric Bolton was a fellow grademate and Drew's science project partner. Every year starting freshman year they had been partners and had won first place since. Not only were they probably the smartest two students in this school, they also had a thing for each other, which we thought was kind of cute.

"Real mature of you guys," Drew rolled her eyes before she took her leave.

The rest of us headed out not too long after Drew. As soon as we exited the cafeteria, the school bell rang as the lunch period ended, and students finished up their meals and other business before the next class period.

"See you guys later," I nodded towards Jack and Autumn as I began towards the direction of my next class.


I treaded out of school towards the exit just right after leaving class once the final bell had rung. Once outside, Drew caught up with me and we walked the short distance to her car, an old silver Nissan Sentra.

"Autumn's at cheer practice," said Drew as we both climbed into her car. "She'll meet up with us later."

"Charlie's?" I asked as she started the ignition.

She put the car in reverse before looking at me. "Charlie's it is."

Charlie's was a quaint, little restaurant/cafe in the middle of town. It was also the famous hangout for students of Shady High. My friends and I went there almost everyday after school to study. But today, we were on our way there to just hang out.

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