Chapter 10: Redblood

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Jack's POV:

I watched as Natalya departed in a huff with Wes. She left without uttering another word to neither Cole nor me.

Letting out a deep sigh, I took a thoughtful sip of my orange juice.

"I don't see why we can't just tell her everything," said Cole to me as he took a bite of his cheeseburger. That was the fourth burger he had dug into already. Our lunch lady, Helga or something, absolutely adored Cole and always gave him extra helpings.

It took a full second for it to register into my thoughts what he just said. I turned to look at my naive friend with a grave expression. "And risk exposing everyone? How do we know she doesn't already know everything?"

Cole simply shrugged. "What if she doesn't know? You saw how genuinely lost she looked. It's like she's oblivious to everything that's going on."

"Still, we can't risk it, Cole. Not until we know for sure."

It's better to be safe than sorry.

"Fine. We'll have to be more careful around her then," Cole agreed willingly, never one to argue with me. "I guess it's a good thing she has Wes to occupy her."

I took yet another long thoughtful sip of my juice before replying, "Yeah, I don't like that guy."

Cole shrugged at me. "Wes? He seems okay to me."

"It's just a feeling," I replied briefly, glancing at both Natalya's and Wesley's figures disappearing into the corridor. "I just can't seem to put my finger on it."

Natalya's POV:

"I mean, all of my friends are avoiding me and I don't know why. Honestly, it's just pissing me off," I complained to Wes as we both headed out of the cafeteria where we abandoned Jack and Cole.

Wes searched for a possible explanation to console me. "Maybe they just don't wanna bother you with whatever dramas brewing up between them."

"No, it's like they're hiding something from me," I shook my head, certain that my theory was much more reasonable.

As we continued our trek down the hallway, I realized Wes was steering me towards the school's entrance doors.

"Whoa, where are we going?" I asked, halting. "Classes are back there," I added, pointing behind me.

I was just about to turn around and head down the opposite direction, but Wesley grabbed hold of my hand and tugged me towards him, making me blush a little at the sudden proximity. Glancing up at him, I noticed a mischievous grin forming on his face.

"We're not going to class," he said.

I yanked my hand from his grasp and furrowed my brows. "Just what are you talking about? Classes are about to start."

Wesley's smile grew ever wider. "Come on, don't tell me you've never skipped classes before, Natalya."

When I pursed my lips in reply, Wesley let out a little chuckle. "Don't worry," he said. "There's a first time for everything. We're just gonna step out and go for a ride."

"You mean skip school?" I placed my hands on my hips.

"I mean take a break." Wesley's mischievous smile morphed into an amused one as he gazed into my eyes and took my hand.

I hesitated at first, then slowly gave in to the voice in my head telling me to shut up and just go along with the hot guy. I allowed Wes to grab hold of my hand and lead me outside since my feet were still a little unwilling to leave school despite my mind being made up.

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