Chapter 11

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Arnav was not like his usual ASR mode for the past three days.

No one can tell this even his Di and Nani..

But Aman was not one of them. He knows something was strange with Arnav because Aman knows him well than others.

He usually worked late and went home then got up early and then work. The routine continued.

Other than that, he sometimes went dinner with Aman or read business magazines..

But the past three days, Arnav left office at the time employees went home. He left early and came office in the morning a little later.


What's happening?

Arnav didn't tell him anything either.

Where's he going? What is he doing.?

Sometimes during the work, he even smirked dropping whatever he was doing.

It's strange.

It was not a achievement smirk or I've done something great smirk or I am evil ASR smirk..

It's an anticipation smirk.

He's waiting for something and Aman doesn't know what ASRwas waiting for. And if he doesn't know something which involved Arnav, he hated it.

He's going to confront him.


Arnav sat on his office smirking, remembering what happened two days before.

Oh, how he liked it..

------ Two days Before-----

Arnav have drawn the contract, it's perfect. Let's see if she agrees to this or not.

It's mutual benefit. He called her to the same hotel they met and sat waiting for her.

She was not late but he had arrived early.

He had appointment with his foreign client here but that had ended early in his favor.

It was a good deal....

Just as he was waiting for her, she entered.

Every thought flew out of his mind..

She's....... Beautiful.

She dressed simply just like that day, in a salwar kameze.

The hesitation in her hazel eyes, the habit of chewing her lips in nervousness, shifting legs in unease....

Her everything was adorable..


She finally saw him andher eyes widened at the sight of him being here earlier than her while he was analyzing her every detail.

Arnav shook himself from these things and waited patiently.

She sat down without even saying hello..

The nerve of her..

He went straight to the point, ignoring that.

"The contract is ready. I want you to read now and let me know any changes you want. I will change it afterwards if its agreeable for me."

She brought the paper his hand and read silently.

He smirked internally knowing the conditions.

It's simple..

1. It's a six month contract.

2. Do not interfere in other's life if  it isn't life threatening situations.

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