Chapter 17

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Khushi sighed, ignoring the burning feeling in her chest which was day by day, overwhelming and drowning her completely.

She was having a difficult time fulfilling everyone's expectations.

It wa hard.

She leaned on the sofa, contemplating the events of her first day in college.

She was the only one who was a married girl in her class.

The college was huge and mostly rich students studied there from the look of it but there were some scholarship students too.

As usual she didn't fit, she was shy to approach anyone and most students didn't even give her a single glance.

She wished things will get better.

She felt very lonely.

She wished someone, anyone to like her, care for her deeply.

She avoided students as much as they avoided her knowing things will get better because it got better in her old college.

And by the way, she came here to complete her studies, not to waste time in making friends.

Who know what will her husband say..?

She finished college classes and saw her husband's driver waiting for her in the parking area.

She hoped on it and went.

She had to buy a whole wardrobe if she wanted to fit in here with the students but she doesn't want to disturb her husband or Buaji for money.

She doesn't hate people wearing fashionable or revealing dresses, it's their choice but she only felt comfortable in her chudis anyway so it's no use even if she had money to buy clothes.

She came home and helped Hariprakash Ji with house duties because she can't lack in her duties just because she was going to college.

She finished helping in dinner preparation and went to his roo, waiting for him while reading her books.

Arnav stormed in the room, Khushi jumped feeling startled by his sudden entry.

He sat on the bed clutching his head.

She didn't know what to do?

Ask him what was wrong or remain silent.

She sighed at her stupidity

God...! Damn her helping tendencies.

She knew he will blow her head off but still she went and gave him a headache medicine and glass of water all the while biting her lower lip, closing her eyes, lowering her head, waiting for his scolding.

But Miracles do happen....!

He took them from her and gulped it.

Khushi was sure she was gaping.

He looked up at her. He raised his eyebrow seeing her gaping like a gold fish. And then his eyes darkened and Kushi closed her mouth afraid that she somehow managed to anger him again but not really knowing it was of desire.

Arnav looked at her gaping and raised an eyebrow. He had a very sudden and strong irresistible urge to close the gap and claim those gaping lips, to taste it , to claim it, to eat it while coaxing it to close and participate with his lips.

He gulped down his desire, shaking his head. He had to distract himself.

“Go and take the balm for headache."

“Ji...? Me..?"

“Yes, you, go get it."


She went towards the cupboard, searching for it and finally found it after few minutes.

Then only he realized,


Big mistake of him to make her get it.

She thought he asked her to apply but he just asked her to get it, damn it.. 

She's going to apply with her own hands.

What was he going to do..?

He couldn't keep up with his own thoughts because...

She was moving closer and closer to him until just few inches between them.

Her one hand went to his hair and massaged it then went behind to hold his neck upward.

He almost groaned at the feeling.

Her cool fingers of her other hand put balm on his burning head and this time he did groan at the soothing gesture.

He inwardly sighed in relief.

He closed his eyes after a while and buried his face into the nearest thing which happened to be her chest..

Both of them stilled at the contact.

Both scrambled away quickly but couldn't help but feel goosebumps erupting all over their body.

Khushi turned and went to change into her night dress all the while placing one hand above her heart to slow it down.

She could hear her own heartbeat.

Oh God...!

Its going to haunt him. The feeling of soft...........

Oh.. No.. no.. No.. 

This is going to be in his nightmares (wet dreams).

Arnav shuddered at the feeling. Arnav was too embarrassed to speak so he went to sleep like that giving into his tiredness.

After changing her dress, she came only to see him sleeping like that in tiredness or sickness.

Knowing very well if he comes to know, he will scold her, she did it anyway.

She pulled her shoes and socks, put them on place and positioned him on pillow safely then hopped on bed on the other side facing him.

She watched him for a while and she couldn't help, but put her hands around him to cuddle. She felt somehow elated that it was her first time doing it consciously.

After a few seconds he moved. She was afraid he was going to wake up and pulled her hand immediately feigning sleep.

But to her relief no words came so she dared to open her eyes a little to see him. He was asleep.

She sighed in relief and only to suck her breath sharply because one hand came around her waist and pulled her against him.

He pulled even closer, like hugging her.

It was her time to bury her face in his chest, blushing at the closeness.

The day just got better for her.

She finally relaxed and allowed her to sleep full of roaming hands on her body in her dreams. Not knowing she was not only the only one dreaming of things like that........

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