Chapter 32

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Arnav clenched his fingers and gritted his teeth in frustration and anger, looking at the street passing by from the passenger seat of the car.

It had been a month...

Month of madness and desperation..

Arnav was this close to break down or go crazy while searching for her..



A fresh bout of sadness and guilt clenched his heart..

Ever since that day, he had been searching for her.

That day when he wanted to find something in his room which belonged to Khushi...

He hadn't packed everything completely in his anger and desperation to send her away..

That day he pulled her saree from his closet so that he can sleep at least for an hour.

It's been a week since he had slept peacefully without nightmares.

Just then something fell from the closet..

Dairy of her...

At first, Arnav didn't want to even open it but after two days, Arnav was sure he was going mad.

Arnav still loved her despite everything.

Arnav was scared at the intensity of his feelings..

Since when did things become this complicated...?

Arnav opened the dairy and the first line of the first page was,

~~I love him~~

Arnav didn't want to read at first but then he couldn't take his eyes of her feelings.. It was at least better than going back to the reality of the absence of her in his life.

~~Arnav ji... I love Arnav ji~~~

Arnav's hand trembled after reading those lines.


Arnav looked up the date of the entry of this note, written by her and gasped suddenly,

It was the date of their marriage...

Khushi had written that she loved him on their marriage date and Arnav couldn't breath properly after reading this.

His vision was blurred by the tears and he started reading rest of the dairy as quickly as possible.

Arnav smashed the new furniture placed in his room, destroying them.

It was clear that what Khushi and NK was speaking that day was something else and he had misunderstood completely and drove her away stupidly without even giving her a chance to explain herself.

After that he had searched for her...

It had been a month and he still searched for her without any positive result.

He had been so stupid and the rage at himself, frustration of not finding her, stupidity at his decisions all consumed him.

Arnav trusted and hoped Khushi was fine with NK..

Arnav had lost weight and fainted couple of times scaring his family, not caring about anything.

If he found her, he will cherish her..

There will be no misunderstanding..

In fact the prideful Arnav Singh Raizada would be on his knees and even ready to beg her, to give him a chance.

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