Chapter 12

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It was her marriage day..

Khushi looked at her reflection in mirror.

A girl wearing a green lehanga with matching jewels reflected on the mirror.

What she mostly noted was the eyes of her.

It was expressing the inner turmoil she was going through.

She had led,

A loveless childhood,

A loveless school life,

A loveless home life and,

She's again going to lead,

A loveless marriage life..


How she dreamt of her marriage from the dress to decorations.

She dreamt of wearing red lehanga in marriage hall decorated by flowers, being given to the man who will look at her lovingly.

She was so stupid, a dreamer, too far away from reality.

She should have known that none will love her the moment when she was ten, hearing her parents were alive and abandoned her in Buaji's door step.

Her parents hated her. She should have known the moment when she was twelve that her Buaji didn't want her or love her, A burden to Buaji.

And the last blow should have been from the one she adored, NK.....

He too left her without even a message.

She was unlovable, a burden to all.

She laughed bitterly and slumped down unable to held back the tears.

She cried, cried for being abandoned by parents, being burden to Buaji, being left by her protector NK..

And cried for being her..

She clutched the pendant NK gave her.. She broke her phone and deactivated her FB account and didn't contact anyone of her classmates in anger.

They don't matter from now on. They never were. She tried to throw the pendant but couldn't.

Even if NK wanted to find her he won't find her here.

Doctors said Buaji will survive for six months which was the maximum.

Would NK even want to find her..?

She wiped her tears and got up.

A last thing to do for her Buaji.

For giving a home, for giving her a chance to go to school, for giving her a chance to live.

Marriage, in a temple...

Just six months..

And she'll be free form everyone.

She will disappear somewhere and start a new life.

She just has one more year to complete her degree, she will find a job and live somewhere happily..

Alone but still happily..

She will think of this moment in future and will snort to herself..

Oh how wrong she was, A dreamer still..


Arnav stood in front of the fire, waiting for the bride.

He was bullied by Nani and Di to conduct the marriage in temple.

Marrying You Is The BIGGEST Mistake I DidWhere stories live. Discover now