Some Things Never Change

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Shawn's POV

I storm down the corridor, dragging Camila with me. I can't believe she crashed my concert like that and made me sweat for no reason.

We broke up nearly two years ago and agreed not to have any contact with each other. The only time we see one another is at award shows (which we avoid each other at).

Last summer, we had a little fling, even though I was supposed to be in a relationship with someone else. That's what Camila meant before. She knows what I did because I was spending time with her. Only problem is, I kept my relationship secret though, so when Camila found out I lied she was really hurt, even though she claims she's over me.

"You know, I really thought you'd changed," she had said to me back then. So did I, but Camila just does something to me.

I know that doesn't make sense, seeing as when we were together I cheated on her more times than I can count. I treated her like dirt and she kept coming back. She put up with my sudden mood changes and stuck with me through the ups and downs. But that all changed in an instant.


"I saw you. I saw you flirting with Justin so don't even try and deny it, you slut."

"Shawn I wasn't even talking to him for one minute. And that's all we were doing - talking!"

"Well I don't like it," I growl "and I don't believe you anyway. You know you're not supposed to talk to or hang around other guys unless I'm with you and I'm doing the talking."

Camila laughs boldly, actually standing up to me for a change. I hardly know how to react.

"I'm fed up of you dictating who my friends are, Shawn. I'm fed up of you acting like you own me."

I start walking closer, trying to back my girlfriend into a corner, but she's holding her own pretty well. "You've got some nerve speaking to me like that. How dare you so much as think that that's acceptable?"

"Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do," she huffs, haughtily, "I caught you off guard, didn't I? So now you're trying to scare me more than I scared you. I know you've been freaking out about Lauren lately, not that there's any need since we were, like 17 when we were together and that only lasted for about six months. We aren't even friends anymore, but you don't actually care about me enough to notice those things, do you?"

I slap her. Hard across her face, making her stumble backwards.

"You just don't know when to shut up, do you, you little brat. You clearly don't know how lucky you are to be with me, or you wouldn't keep trying these little stunts. Especially when you know how it's going to end each time!"

I start raising my hand again, but I can see Camila's trying not to cry. She knows her fate as well as I do, because she tells me "go ahead. Do what you do best."

I decide to take pity on her this time, though, because I'm not drunk enough to completely ignore my conscience (which is a rare occurrence). I tell her if she apologises and promises not to talk to Justin again, I'll let her off. It's not my fault she declines.

*end of flashback*

That final night when she was sitting on the bonnet of my car and I asked her if she still loved me, she made a decision. I knew what it was from the way she looked at me. It's the same way she's looking at me now.

That's not where the song came from though. Nobody but us two know the truth about where the idea for the song came from.

Camila starts looking at me weirdly. She says my name like it's a question, alerting me to the fact that this can't be the first time she's tried to get my attention.

"What?" I snap at her.

"Geez, I was only asking if you were ok!" She says, defensively, before mumbling the next part. She says, "I guess some things never change."

"Why are you here? What happened to the whole 'no contact' thing?"

"I wanted to see you," Camila tells me, shrugging.

"Yeah right. I wasn't born yesterday, Mila."

Hey guys. Here's a longer chapter because I don't know how long it will be before I can update. If you've read my other book, you'll know it sometimes takes me a while, but I'm really passionate about this book and I'm actually gonna try to write a good story so stick with me please.

Luv ya,
Kass xx

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