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A slow smile spreads across Shawn's face. It is the evil, terrifying, malice filled smile of someone who has once again gotten their own way, not caring who they've hurt or what relationships (and not just the ones involving them) they've had to wreck in order to get what they want. It is the amused, smug, overly confident, smile of someone who has once again succeeded in pulling off some kind of dark, wicked plan but already knew they weren't going to fail. It is a smile that seems to be slightly pitying, whilst saying "in your face" and "up yours" all at once. It is a smile I have seen on him many a time before. There's that time he got away with what he did to Justin; that time in his dressing room, when he thought I was trying to outsmart him and he'd already begun plotting....this; even every time he wins a game of chess (but multiplied by ten now). I could go on listing things for ages, which is why I know exactly what he's thinking in this moment: "Checkmate. I win - again."

If this was a movie, or even just a situation I was detached from, the stark contrast of Shawn's relaxed, yet chilling facial expression to that of his cousin's fury contorted features would be almost comical. Seeing as this is real life, however, and since I am more caught up in all of this than I really knew, or ever thought possible before a few moments ago, it is not at all remotely funny. In fact, I can smell the danger radiating off of Charlie and I an certain I am right to fear him. Not just because of my recent discovery of what he does in his spare time - what he did to me. Not because he was just yelling at me and looks like he's about to explode. But because he is so angry he looks murderous and when he gets this wound up he's completely unpredictable. I know this because I know Charlie. I've come to know him so well over the years, that even now, with him behaving like this, he is predictably unpredictable.

At least, I thought I knew him, but he's changed. Or maybe I have. Or maybe he was never who I thought he was. Because the Charlie I thought existed, my best friend, my stability, he wouldn't do this. He would be the one protecting me, not the one I need protecting from. He would be defending me, not breaking me more and more. And it's not only with his words. Actions speak much louder, so when this enraged stranger I am slowly backing away from suddenly lunges for a plate off the table and hurls it at me with a wrathful, bitter scream, I am paralysed with hurt. I have just this moment realised that this is exactly what he wants. To hurt me that is. He made me trust him, made me need him, fixed me up....just so he could have fun destroying me? It's the only explanation that makes sense, only I have no idea what I did to deserve all this.

The plate misses me by what can only be pure luck, and crashes off the wall no more than an millimetre away from my head, whilst somehow the lemon cake it held, after sliding down the wall a few inches and leaving a trail of neon yellow icing in its wake, stays stuck to the white paint. In a way it looks kind of cheery; much too 'happy' for what's happening right now, like, a superficial attempt at a message from the universe to say that things will be okay. But I don't see how they can.

As if in slow motion and to reinforce that very thought, the china object shatters onto the floor sync with my heart.

Nobody speaks. Nobody dares so much as move a muscle even slightly. Not even Shawn. Everyone in the room is awaiting Charlie's next move with baited breath.

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