Okay, This Is Actually A Happy Post

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As the title says, yes! This is actually a happy post.

Finally am I right?

You know if you shortened "am I right" you'd have "air"

This has been, Naturally Nonsense with Lizzy.

Okay, let's actually get to what this post is about.
So today, muggle school was wonderful. (Seeing as I'm on abroad from Hogwarts) I left my wand at Hogwarts, unfortunately. But, today is going to be great! I'm going to a muggle trunk-or-treat with my friend Kate. Kate's a half blood, since I know some are very prejudice about blood type. *cough* TODD *cough* Anyways, were just wearing our Hogwarts uniforms for the trunk-or-treat.

I'm standing on my shower thingy, what even is my life?

High quality photo right there^

Bye now.



Now, go re-
I'm kidding I won't do a self promo about my other books that you can read...

Y e e t: This was six hours ago, my friends. The fam is still going though.

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