The truth

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Wake up (y/n)-chan!" Kaede yelled at you for the tenth time this morning. "I'm not going." I said but that didn't seem to stop her. "It's only the second day of school you have to go." Kaede said. Kaede and you were dorm mates. Which was good luck because the other girls seem...weird. Not going into details. "I promised Oma I'd go hang out with him today." I admitted getting a jaw drop from her. "Oma that crazy liar!" Kaede shouted. I nodded my head. "Okay." Kaede quickly recovered. That was fast. "See ya' later." Kaede just left after that. It didn't strike me as weird because everyone here was weird to an extent. The weirdest person was probably Kokichi. Keebo would be the weirdest if he wasn't a robot.

(I'm not a robophobic.)

Anyways you obeyed Kokichi's orders and head to the Rain Cafe. Where Kokichi was sitting at one of the outside tables with his head on the table. "Oma!" You shouted startling him. He fell on the ground with a loud thud. You started laughing at the boy on the floor. Kokichi rubbed his head and got back up with a his eyebrows squeeze up together. "That's not funny you shouldn't mess with the ultimate supreme leader like that!" Kokichi shouted angrily. You immediately stopped laughing trying to be nice to him. "I'm sorry." You apologized. "Nishishi~ it's fine just don't let it happen again." Kokichi smiled. "We did you lie to me?" You just tilted your head. Lied? "Don't play dumb with me I know your real talent." With that Kokichi pulled a paper from his pocket and unfolded it. "Your the super duper highschool level spy!" Kokichi said loudly showing you the paper. It had all your information on it. Including your talent. But how did Kokichi get it? It should have been in the Headmasters office.

3rd point of view

"Push harder!" Kokichi yelled at Izuru and Nagito who were trying to open the headmasters door. "Let's just try this." Nagito said turning the handle and pushed inwards. It opened. "H-how did you do that!?" Kokichi shouted in surprise. "Luck." Nagito simply answered smiling. "Are you planning to steal (y/n) records?" Izuru asked Kokichi. "Nehehe maybe." Kokichi used an innocent smile.


"So why" Kokichi said slowly and menacing. You were speechless what to say to him. Sure you were the ultimate spy. But you've never been caught. What were you suppose to do once your cover been blown? "I uh well." Trying to make an accuse. "It was Mizu wasn't it?" Kokichi said. "Yes it was." I'm so sorry Mizu.

77th class

Mizu let out a small sneeze and rubbed her nose. "Bless you!" Nagito called out. "Thanks." Mizu smiled. "Isn't someone talking about you if that happens?" Akane asked. "Superstitious." Izuru mumbled. "I vote we go find who's talking about Mizu!" Ibuki shouted ignoring Izuru's comment. "All in favor say 'aye." Chiaki said. "Aye!" Everyone shouted.

Rain's cafe

"That's such an amazing talent!" Kokichi quickly smiled clinging onto your arm. "So so what do you do. You catch bad guys!" "Well I." "No? You spy on the bad guys and report it to the government so we have the advantage." "Actually." "You spy on people like Maki right." "I actually haven't done anything spy worthy." You admitted making Kokichi go silent. He just stared at you like you just murdered someone.

A Broken Pieces of Kokichi Oma X Reader(female)Where stories live. Discover now