Grandma Oma

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Today you and Kokichi have been dating for one day. The night before going to sleep Mizu had said someone was coming to visit. You thought that you would finally get to meet Kokichi's parents. You woke up got dressed in a (f/c) plain dress that reached your knees and black flats to go with it. Going out to eat breakfast you saw the own thing you never expected. Kokichi was cleaning dusting to be specific. "Good morning (y/n)-Chan." Kokichi chirped smiling as he pecked your check. You blushed. "Your sooooo cute when you blush." Kokichi giggled. As you kissed his check making him turn red. You giggler at his reaction. "That's not funny!" Kokichi shouted. "But your cute when you blush." You teased him. "Whatever." Kokichi puffer his checks out then went back to cleaning. You just sat next to a sleeping Mizu on the couch. (She still hasn't bought herself a new bed) While Kokichi cleaned he eventually put his short hair into a pony tail and rolled up his sleeves. Which made him look extra cute. Making you blush a lot. "See something you like?" Kokichi said as you looked into his purple eyes. It only made you blush harder when he called you out. "Nehehe it's okay if you look." Kokichi smiled going back to whatever he was doing. Izuru woke up at some point. He had to wake up Mizu. "(Y/n) which is better ponytail, down, or clips?" Mizu asked you about Izuru's hair. "Ponytail." You answered. "(Y/n)-chaaaaan your suppose to be looking at me." Kokichi whined you finally looked back at him. They other two finally got dressed.

Around noon the doorbell rang. "She's here!" Kokichi shouted. He and Mizu looked at each other. "I'll get it!" The shouted in unison jumping off the couch. Kokichi was closer till Mizu tackled him and ran. Kokichi grabbed her ankle dragging her down. "Go get it." Izuru ordered you. You nodded and ran past the two arguing sibling. When you opened the door you revealed an old woman. She had white hair with purple and blue stripes in her hair. "Oh is this the right house?" She questioned. "Grandma!" Kokichi shouted. "Oh my little Koki. Who's this girl?" Kokichi's grandma asked. "(Y/n) (L/n) we're dating." Kokichi said wrapping an arm around your shoulder. His grandma bursted out laughing. "Very funny Koki." She laughed.

"I'm not kidding grandma!" Kokichi shouted at his grandmother. She responded by grabbing his check. "You don't ever yell at your grandma." Her voice got deeper and scarier sending chills up your spine. She dragged Kokichi back in as you closed the door behind her. "Koki's girlfriend." She rubbed her chin as she looked you up and down. A nice smile appeared on her face. "Yes she'll make a great wife for him." "Grandmaaa." Kokichi was blushing really hard. So we're you at least she approved of you. "Did you get us some candy?" Kokichi asked. Grandma smiled as she pulled four bags of candy out of her small purse. "Air heads for Izuru." He took his bag of candy and sat back on the couch. "Sour patch kids for Mizu." "Thanks grandma." Mizu smiled taking her candy. "And Jolly Rodger's for Kokichi." He smiled and took his candy. The grandma turned around to you. "I suppose you can have this." She had you a bag of (favorite candy). Your eyes wide as you took the bag. "This is my favourite candy." You said at her. "Really? Guess your lucky then." Grandma beamed.

For the rest of the day all four of you guys talked. Mostly grandma asking you questions and then embarrassed Kokichi. "Your parents still haven't been home?" Grandma asked changing the mood of the room. "Not since they went to America." Mizu answered. Kokichi was looking at the floor. "You've always survived without them. You'll be fine." Grandma managed to changed the room back into a normal atmosphere. Her words ran through out your head.

You've always survived without them

"Yeah both of their parents are irresponsible." Grandma said reading your thoughts. "Like this one time."


Kokichi's point of view

My entire body was freezing. "Just a little bit longer Koki." Mizu assured me. But my legs were aching complaining. Mizu wasn't showing any change. Her grip on my wrist was tight but not hard enough to hurt me. My check was still stinging. From when papa hit it. I told someone that he'd leave for months. Which made him upset. "I won't let anyone hurt you." Mizu mumbled mostly to herself. I fell to the ground my legs couldn't take me any farther. "I-I can't." I said crying but the tears froze to my checks. Mizu looked down at me then forward then back down at me. We both knew the same thing. I wouldn't last much longer out in the cold. Mizu removed her scarf and wrapped it on top of mine. Then she lifted me on her back. I was light if course but Mizu was weak for a thirteen year old and short. Finally she rested me under a roof of some building. Mizu sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me keeping me warm. "We'll get though this Koki I swear." Mizu smiled at me.

3rd Point of View

"Oh that was a just a lie." Kokichi said bluntly. Mizu nodded in agreement. "It was a lie?" You questioned looking at grandma. Who was just biting the inside of her check debating whether or not it was true. "Well you kids got me good!" Grandma laughed as everyone joined in. After that everything went back to a normal conversation.

Once you and Kokichi were finally sleep. The three adults sat on the couch. "So you were the one to make up that lie?" Grandma asked Mizu who just nodded and sighed. "Yeah it made Koki feel better maybe I should tell him the truth." Mizu said leaning back on the couch. "No he's finally getting his life together he has a girlfriend." Grandma protested. "I-I know but what if they come back." Mizu shivered in fear. They will come back. "Then you can kick them out don't you pay for this house?" Grandma said. "Or you can live with me." Grandma suggested.


There two chapters in a few minutes.

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