Paul's POV wolf.

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Paul's POV

I can't believe this. She acted like I just sat there saying nothing. I told her how I felt how I imprinted on her. I can't believe she doesn't want me still. I thought things would get better. I just want to run away. I guess I'll just run away now since I'm already out in the forest in wolf form.
Damn, Jake's following me.

Paul wait!- Jacob

what's up with Paul?- Sam

He's upset, he told Ave about the imprint and she didn't respond too good.- Jacob

Damn, Paul don't run away. Go to my house, we'll meet you there so we can talk in person.- Sam

I'm not going to your house, I'm leaving La Push, If she doesn't want me then I'll leave. I won't be able to stand being near her if I stay.- Paul

No don't go, maybe she just needs time to think this through, She just lost her mom and is suicidal! She's got alot on her mind and this probably just made her feel overwhelmed.- Jacob

But me loving her should make this better, she should love me back but she doesn't. I could help her heal from losing her mom.- Paul

You don't understand Paul, she didn't just lose her mom, She lost her entire family.- Sam

What do you mean?- Paul

She had a twin sister, she was murdered by her abusive boyfriend and after her funeral everything in Ave's life changed. Thats why she came here to La Push, she had run away from home because of Alec and her sister and all the abuse she's had. Alec murdered her father before he changed her mother. Her entire family is gone and she probably doesn't know what to think of what you said.- Sam

Are you serious? why didn't she ever tell me all this.-Paul

Because she didn't want anyone to know about her sister. She didn't want anyone to know anything about her life.- Sam

oh, well I'll meet you guys back at your place sam.- Paul

Later,- Jacob


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