Emily the Imortal

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Paul's POV

I can't believe Emily is gone. It's only been a few minutes since Sam was dragged out of the hospital. Carlisle was now speaking with Leah telling her something that I can't quite hear. They look to be in a deep conversation. Carlisle was paged several times but he just sat there ignoring it still talking with Leah. I can't help but think that something odd is going on. As Carlisle walks toward Ave I decide to interuppt to see whats up.

"Carlisle whats going on?" I ask impatiently. He stops in his tracks and just looks to Leah then back at me.

"You might want to sit down." He said in a serious tone.

As I sat down I looked over to Leah who was now breathing heavy. Ave ran to her side and started to fan her with a magazine.

"Paul, Emily is still alive but theres something very different about this situation." He sighed and looked to the floor. "Sam, Emily and I had an agreement the last time she was here. Emily had asked me to save her life no matter what it took. Sam didn't believe something so serious would happen so he just refused to it. But Emily convinced him. I told them about this new experiment I had been working on. Where I could revive someone who is very close to death by combineing my vemon, Sam's shapeshifter blood, and a real werewolfs blood with a few other medicines and chemicals. This was going to be the last resort to saving her if all other things failed. I learned that this mixture of things would in deed revive anyone or anything if its near death but with some slight side effects. "

"Well what are the side effects?" I asked couriously.

"Well if the mixture worked and revived her then she would either be part shapeshifter," He looked to the wall then back at me. "or vampire."

I growled at the thought of Emily being one of them. I started to shake but before I could phase I felt Ave's hand touch my shoulder.

"Paul, theres also a chance she'll be an immortal. Which means she wont have to live like us. She won't need to drink blood to survive. She'll live long, many more years than she would naturally. She'll heal quickly like you do, the only thing is that she won't ever die from any natural cause. She'll have to be killed to actually die." He said as he patted my hand.

"Whats the percentage of her being any of these things?" Ave asked.

"Theres a 50% percent chance she'll be immortal 20% she'll be a shapeshifter and 30% she'll be vampire." He said as he got up from his seat.

"Thanks for telling me doc." I said to him as he walked away.

The rest of the night was spent moving Emily to the Cullen's house. I really didn't want to see her in that horrible state that she was in so I stayed back at the hospital with the baby. I stayed as long as I could before they kicked me out. The rest of the night I wondered around La Push thinking of what would happen to Sam if Emily came back as a vampire or worse if she didn't come back at all.

Ave's POV

Carlisle later on moved Emily out of the hospital then to his house in his own personal doctors office for the supernatural. Carlisle said she would wakeup in a few days if not then she would never wake up again. Sam was still insanly upset about Emily. I'd spent some time with him while they moved Emily. He told me he never wanted this to happen, for Emily to die then be turned into something he was or what his enimies were. He was worried that the imprint with Emily would be broken once she would wake up as vampire, shapeshifter or immortal. He said he would still love her either way but that he didn't want this life for her. That he would take her away from this life if he could. It's what I wished I could do with my own life. Get away from all this supernatural stuff. I think maybe thats why I've been pushing Paul away. Maybe I should just except this life. Because I don't think I can stay away from any of this. No matter what I do my life will never be normal.

later on that week...

Paul's POV

Emily finally woke up last night. It happened out of no where. Ave was reading to her while Sam showed us new photos he took of his daughter earlier that day. He'd mentioned how he wanted to name her after Emily if she weren't to come back. Thats when Ave saw her eyes shoot open and take in a deep breath. Everyone ran to her side to make sure she was alright but all she cared about was her daughter. Now we're here at the hospital sitting in the waiting room, waiting to find out if the baby can come home today now that she's fully healed and Emily is okay.

So far no ones noticed a difference in Emily. Except for Edward the son of Dr. Cullen. He could easily tell she was different, that she was no longer human not a vampire. But an immortal. Sam was so elighted about finding out she wasn't the worst of the three things she could of been. But he was worried that if one day he would die if she would be able to live without him or if she'd go find someone new. Dr. Cullen explained that since she was immortal she would live forever, she would never get sick and if she were injuryed that she'd heal instantly like a shifter.

After a long hour of waiting the doctors in charge of the NICU told us the baby could come home that all she needed was a name. Sam and Emily decided to name her Milagro Luna Uley. It was unique name that I hadn't heard of before, I wonder how they came up with it. Yet it was a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl. Everyone was extremly excited for her to come home and about Emily still being with us. Of course only the pack and the Cullens would know she's an immortal. Ave of course knows about it, considering she and Emily are like bestfriends.

Ave's POV

Having Emily and baby Milagro home is a true Milagro(miracle). I adore Emily and Sam even more for naming her after my sister. Of course the others have no idea about how they came up with the name. I know that one day I'll have to tell them about my sister. Even though I've only told Seth I've never explained what happened to her. Some day soon I will tell them and some day soon I'll exeptt the fact that I'm Paul's imprint.

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