Chapter 5

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Ravenclaw felt the wind rush through his fur as he fell. For a brief moment, he felt like he was flying. He aimed himself for the dog's shoulders, and unsheathed his claws. "WHACK!" He landed on the dog's shoulders, making the dog yelp and fall to the floor. Ravenclaw rolled off the dog's back, and lay on his stomach on the ground. He felt a bit dizzy, but he shook his head, and followed Tawnywing up the shiny thing. "Are you two okay?" Mintpaw asked them. "Yeah" The two warriors replied at the same time. Ravenclaw said "We should focus on rescuing Squirrelpaw". Tawnywing gave him a funny look "How are we supposed to save her when there are two huge dogs down there?" "We distract them, then we sneak in and rescue Squirrelpaw". Mintpaw interrupted " How do we distract them?". Ravenclaw looked away in thought, then finally said "We throw that rock there into the grass, which will distract them for a moment, then Mintpaw you will get them to chase you, but you have to be careful, and remember, if you're tiring, you have to climb something, like those logs over there, or those trees". Mintpaw dipped her head. "Me and Tawnywing will find a way in the house" He said. Ravenclaw flicked his tail, then padded up to a large pebble, and kicked it with his back paw. The stone landed in a small puddle of water in the grass, that made a splash. The dogs pricked their ears, and ran over towards the puddle. Ravenclaw flicked his tail, and Mintpaw darted over to the shiny thing, and slid down it. Ravenclaw watched as she ran until she was a few fox-lengths away from the dogs, and yowled to get their attention. Mintpaw ran, and Ravenclaw saw the dogs chase her. Ravenclaw slid down the shiny thing, and landed with a thud on the ground. He waited while Tawnywing done the same, then the two warriors crept up to the twoleg nest entrance. Ravenclaw looked at what seemed the entrance, but it was shut. Ravenclaw climbed the ramp to the entrance, and he saw a little flap on the door. He cautiously approached the little flap, and slowly poked it with his paw. The flap, which was just big enough for him to climb through, opened up. Ravenclaw sniffed the air, he smelt Squirrelpaw. Ravenclaw slipped inside the nest, and got Tawnywing to do the same. Ravenclaw sneezed at the overwhelming stench of twolegs. He couldn't see any around though. Ravenclaw's fur bristled when he heard a voice "Ravenclaw? Tawnywing?". Ravenclaw looked to his right, and he saw Squirrelpaw.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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