Golden Dragon

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          Saelabella the Princess of Genovia is a half elf unlike Ami. She always keeps her hair in a tight braid that fall down on her back. Although she may look harmless, she was trained in the ways of the blade, favoring daggers. She learned how to be silent and not seen.

          Saelabella and Ami found there way to the fort outside the forest. They were told that parties of people have gone missing and no  one has returned. Saelabella wants to go investigate herself.

Ami found a cave and Saelabella decided that she wanted to explore it. The cave had three paths. One curved left, another curved right, and the last one lead straight ahead. Ami and Saelabella decided to go down the left path. They came upon a long chamber. There was a long dinner table in the center of the room. The table was set and there were skeletons sitting at the table. The skeleton sitting at the head of the table began to speak. "Come, sit and dine with us."

          Saelabella and Ami  entered and sat down. The door slams behind them locking them in the room. The skeletons stand up and begin to attack them. The fight didn't last long. Ami shot two skeletons through the skull and shattered them, the other two had daggers imbedded in their heads. The skeleton at the head of the table laughed and thanked them for freeing him from his prison and disappeared. Ami frantically started to search for a way to open up the door that was sealed shut. Saelabella found a potion of teleportation and drank it. She teleported to the other side of the door. There was an inscription on it saying, "Only the blood of the king will open this prison." Saelabella can't t her hand and spread her blood over the door. The door opened reviling Ami who was board, sitting on the floor.

Saelabella decided she wasn't done exploring so she went back to the fork and went down the path that lead straight ahead. While walking down the path, Ami snuck forward through the shadows and tipped over a stack of gold. Ami looked up and saw a gold dragon sleeping in front of her. Then a ninja clad in gold appeared before Ami and Saelabella. The ninja told them that he was the dragon, his name is Montooth, and that he used his essence to lock the skeleton mage in his prison. The mage now wants to take over the world and the only way to prevent that is to get his essence back and find his brothers. Then the dragon brothers will help defeat the mage. Saelabella agrees and Montooth gives her two gifts. Saelabella goes to leave and Ami doesn't move she looks to Montooth expectantly. He turns to her and and she says "What do I get?" "You get these," Montooth gives her a pair of boots and a bottle. The boots allow her to walk on walls, the bottle is a magical. Ami is satisfied and respectfully bows and leaves the cave.

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