6- OWL be there!

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Quinn was more of a night person than a morning person... Especially with alarm clocks involved. On this day, he felt sick and groggy waking up and saw there was medicine sitting on his lamp stand, surprising him. Quinn had drank it and felt drowsy, almost if it had sleeping serum in it. He stood up to go downstairs to make breakfast when he noticed something... Instead of having his carrot-orange hair, it was brown and was wavy like feathers. "Hmm, that's weird. Must be aging affects." Quinn mumbled and headed downstairs. He felt uneasy looking at the daylight and felt really sleepy. He cooked bacon and made a swig of coffee. After taking his breakfast dose, he trudged back to bed and flopped under the sheets. He felt suddenly itchy and noticed his lips were dry. "Hmm." He said, dabbling on Chapstick. But it didn't do anything. His lips hurt and strangely clicked. He noticed that brown, matching his now brown hair, feathers were pushing through his skin. "Aah! What t-t--Noc-h--" Quinn stammered as the feathers consumed his body. I'm... Turning into a Pokemon! Quinn thought. His arms grew longer and turned into fluffy wings. His mouth hardened and pushed out into a yellow beak. His slippers burst and revealed yellow skin crawling up his legs. His toes shaped into three claws. His ears turned into tiny holes and he sighed. "Noctowl?"
Quinn was suspecting that the medicine he took was not actual medicine. "Noct... Noctowl.." He pulled his blinds and shut off any light, for now he could see in the dark. Easily falling asleep, he woke up at nightfall. He had forgotten everything of his past life and, as a wild Noctowl, flew off into the woods.

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