Chapter 3

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Alice Jackon's P.O.V.

I walked glanced up at the sky seeing where the sun is and deciding I need to get to the house quickly as I feel a terrible burning tingling in my veins as I continue to walk away remembering the rose.

I look down at my hand as I feel the cut start to reopen and blue blood flow down my fingers as I let my hand be still. I rip off a piece of my black cotton shirts and quickly wrap it around my hand tightly sufficiently stoping the blood. I quickly resume my walk and hurry on before arriving at a shack behind the pack house.

I quickly begin to put my two other pair of jeans in a rucksack that is in the corner along with a flimsy jacket and another black shirt. I set the bag back in the corner and hurries to the pack house. I slowly open the door and let out a sigh as I realize the pack is still up in their rooms. I quickly scurry around making sure everything is nice neat a proper before sneaking away to find James.

James is a tall man at about 6'7 and very built and bulky. He has black hair and gray eyes they are almost a black on the outer edge of the irises then to dark gray, light gray, and to a pure white right around the pupil. He is a very large man but is fluid with his motions, it's almost like watch water move. He's been and older brother figure to me for quit a few years, he has helped me immensely.

He will be the first and only person I will tell I'm leaving.

I quickly focus on making my scent almost nonexistent as I arrive at his room knowing he'd be up. I open the door not being able to risk knocking as I gaze in I see his shirtless in his bed his black blanket covering some of his 8pack as he reads a book. I slowly and soundlessly walk in waving my hand to alert him I'm in here. He looks up and sees me before marking his page and setting up as he gestures for me to come on in. I shut the door and run soundlessly to him and hugs him tightly as I feel him hug me back. I look up and pull away slightly as I gesture to the window meaning outside, he knows this by now though.

I hurry out side and scale a beautifully wicked looking oak and wait about one minute for James. I watch him scale the tree in his black attire the way I had thought him. I was playing with the bark on the tree as he sits beside me and hugs me again before relaxing.

"James....I'm leaving tonight, with a group of rouges... They're the help of the chosen, but I can't leave without you going, and you know why..." I quietly tell him before feeling the mark on my shoulder blade as I look at out right hands. I see the barely visible intricate design that decorates our skin. I look up to see him nodding before hearing his deep voice.

"Do you trust them?" That is all James says before I look at him and he looks me in the eye making sure I can't lie to him."

"Yes, James, I do." He nodded and I knew that he'd be coming with me.

"When do we leave?" I look up at the sky, and write the number eleven on my right hand knowing he'd feel it on his. I feel the letters we-should-sleep-til-then. I nod and start to descend the tree as he follows after. I draw  my-shed on the back of my hand and he nods as I hurry over and crawls into the makeshift bed he walks in and shuts the room locking it before laying down opposite to me as I slowly begin to drift to a restless sleep.

Six hours later...

I woke up with a start before seeing James sleeping and I relax, before getting on my knees beside him and rocks his shoulders softly to wake him. He stirs in his sleep and I continue knowing that he'll get up soon.

"James we need hunt, and smoke the meat....C'mon we only have four and a half hours to complete it." He wakes and nods as he gets up and stretches before helping me up.

I write thank you on me hand and picks up the small but deathly sharp knifes I've acquired and made as we head out on our hunt, him as a wolf and me as a human.

On our 15 minute hunt we managed two big buck, a doe, five squirrels, and 3 rabbits, he killed two of the three deer and I killed on of the bucks and the rest of the small animals before we headed to a cave, where we usually smoke any meats. It's been almost a nine months since we last have but every thing is the same, so we begin.

Four hours and fifteen minutes later...

We've completed the smoking as I'm tightly wrapping the meat in cheese cloth, already having the small animals, and the doe wrapped up.

"Alice, I'm going to retrieve our ruck sacks and two duffle bags, I'll be back in ten." I nodded and continued moving on to the biggest buck. He's going to carry the meat and I'm going to carry the ruck sacks. I begin to moving right along wi-

"Alice are you still going to be leaving with us?" I hear Michael's deep voice right through my head as I tie the twine around the wrapped meat, startling me. I nod them quickly realize he can not see me.

"Yes, but I have someone who is coming along with me...he can be trusted I assure you, we will also be bring a supply of food." I hope he hear me as I complete one buck and move on to the next one as James walks in and begins to pack away all that I wrapped. We finished in ten minutes, as I pick the ruck sacks up and two packs of wrapped meat that we couldn't pack away him also carrying two packs, as I lead us out to the edge of the border near the rose. My hand is still open but my blood is no longer burning my veins. As we draw closer I see them.

"We've arrived." I say to Michael as James and I step across the border our marks and right hands tingling.

To be continued.....

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