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~Fitz's POV~

"Would you like to have another sleepover?" I asked Sophie once we were away from the rest of the group.

"Hmmmmm, What makes you think I would be interested in another of your sleepovers?" She asked playfully.

"We can go to this spot I found on my property the other day and watch the stars. We can relax and talk there...I mean...if you want to." I daid nervously.

"Ehhh...I can watch stars in my head. I have them all memorized."she said.

My eyes pleaded with her for a dew moments before she broke the silence.

"Will there be cuddling involved at this said sleepover?" She asked in a playful tone.

"I think I can make some arrangements." I said in the same playful manner. I had already planned out the cuddling, but she didn't need to know that. I love cuddling with her. I could ciddle with her alk day if she would let me. Oh gnome, I love her. I love everything about her....she's just so...amazing...and wonderful...and beautiful...and I dont have anymore words because I forget most of them when I'm around her anymore.

"Hmmm," she said,"maybe if it was a bit more interesting. I'm tired and stargazing is not worth staying up for." She said in a more sleepy, but still playful manner. And I'm not worth staying up for? I lose sleep over Sophie everynight. Why doesnt she love me back. My heart dropped, and she noticed. "I'm kidding. Of course we can have another sleepover as long as my parents are okay with it."

"Okay, I was worried I was going to have to get someone else to come cuddle with me there for a moment" I said jokingly. "I wouldn't want to cuddle with anyone but you.." I mumbled quietly so she couldnt hear what I mumbled, but I secretly had hoped she did.

"Wow....thanks." she said in a....kind of.... sad... upset... depressed tone. Suddenly we werent joking anymore. She silently sent a message to Grady over her imparter.

"He said 'As long as you don't do anything stupid.'" she said quietly in the same tone she used before. Was she still upset by that comment I made earlier? I hope I didn't upset her. Oh gnome.

We light-leaped to my house. I brought her to the spot I had told her about. We sat there and watched the stars silently as she layed against my shoulder. We stayed there for about an hour and a half. Sophie was so beautiful in the starlight. She yawned and said,"I'm seriously really tired."

"Me too" I replied. "We should go back to the house."

"Ughhh...I have to walk?" She asked playfully. I didn't see it as her just being playful. I had seen it as a chance to carry her around. I carried her back to my house. I love her so much. I would carry her around forever if it meant spending more time with her.

~Sophie's POV~

Fitz picked me up and started carrying me back to his house. I kind of didn't want to be there. I couldn't help but think about him saying 'I would have to get someone else to come cuddle with me'. Was I really that easily replaced. I only came because I don't think I could bare to know that he was going to cuddle with someone else. Jealousy bubbled up inside of me. Fitz sat me down.

~Fitz's POV~

I sat her down once we were in the foyer of my house. "You didn't have to carry me. I was joking when I said that." She said in a more serious tone.

"I know." I replied. "Go get you pajamas on and meet me in my room." I continued, half expecting her not to. Ahhhh I cant wait to cuddle with her. She did.

We laid down on my bed beside eachother. She still looked upset. I waited another 20 minutes. Still upset. Did I do this? I couldn't have. Could I? She doesn't....isn't in love with me, so why would she care. She always cared. I knew that. It was one of the things I loved most about her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," she said quietly,"were you really going to bring another girl over ti cuddle with if I wasn't going to?" Oh. I did make her upset UGH. WHY? WHY DO I HURT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO MEAN SOMETHING TO ME?

"No, Sophie, of course I wouldnt have. I wouldnt want to cuddle with anyone but you." I said as I pulled her closer.

She leaned forward and kissed me. OH MY GNOME SOFIE ELIZABETH FOSTER-RUEWEN WAS KISSING ME. OH MY GNOME. My heart started to race as I kissed her back. The kiss had only lasted for about 4 seconds...but who was counting? Me. She leaned back and said "I love you" then, went to sleep. Did she mean it romantically? Platonically? I hope she means it romantically.

"I love you" I whispered back. I did love her.

I sat there for a few moments and played around with the thought of asking Sophie out. I decided I would ask her out on Wesnesday. Today was still technically Monday, although it was 11pm. It would give me time to plan the perfect moment to ask her out...with some help from Biana, of course.

~Sophie's POV~

When I woke up, Fitz was already awake. He was gentally stroking my hair and staring at me...sleepy eyed, I may add...all I realky noticed were his bright teal eyes. They were beautiful, and amazing...just like him. I slowly leaned in closer to him not completely noticing until I was about and inch away from his face. I had kissed him last night. Why was I struggling right now? I didnt have to worry about that part either though. He leaned forward and closed the gap, slowly kissing me.

He pulled away after about 5 seconds and quickly apologized. "Sophie, I'm so sorry. If you dont like me the same its totally fine."

"Ummmm..." I said. I like him, no I LOVE HIM, but I cant confess to him. Not yet.

"I knew it. You arent in love with me. It's fine. I have work to do today. I have to go. I'm going to get ready to leave. You should too." He said, obviously hurt.

We got ready and met in the foyer. His eyes were a bit red. Had he been crying? Yes. He sniffled and began to walk out the door. I stopped him to give him a hug. We left and went our separate ways.

~Fitz's POV~

I didn't have anything to do today, really. I just needed to get away from Sophie. I was hurt. I didnt want her to see me cry, see me upset, see me when I'm vulnerable. She noticed the redness of my eyes from me crying while I was getting ready. She didnt say anything. She didnt care. She just decided she would play with my feelings and hug me again. Why do I have to like her? Why cant I just have a normal relationship?

I went over to Keefe's to hang out. He would cheer me up, right?

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