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~Sophie's POV~

I woke up in Fitz's room. He had already got up. Why was he up? He never gets up this early without a reason.

I walked down stairs to find Keefe and Fitz talking about emissary stuff. "Ah, just the person I wanted to see! Foster!" Keefe says in the most sincere way possible.

"Ah, just the person I wanted to see when I came down stairs." I said as sarcastically as possible.

"That hurt, Foster." He replied.

"So, what's going on?" I asked.

"I came over here to talk to you. I knew you were staying with 'Wonderboy' over here."

"Why me? Why not your bestfriend?" I replied.

"That, I will have to tell you in private." Keefe said. I looked over to Fitz, who was glaring at Keefe, and gave him an apologetic look.

I transmitted,"Do you know what he wants to talk about? I dont want to have a private talk with him if he could just tell me right here."

"I honestly don't know for sure. I think I may have an idea, but I'd like to think that idea is false." He transmitted back.

"Thank you, Fitz." I replied to his transmittion.

He transmitted,"I love you, Sophie."

I smiled and blushed. "I love you too" I transmitted back.

"Can you two stop flirting?" Keefe said with with agitation in his voice.

"Keefe, what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Just come with me." He says, holding out a hand. I stare at it like it was going to infect me with some awful disease. He then resorts to picking up my hand and leading me away. I wasnt squirming away, but all I could remember was when he wouldnt let me move away from him when we were on his couch.

"Sophie," Keefe started. Oh the first name, that's unusual. Serious Keefe must be making an appearance. "I love you. I know you like Fitz, but I cant stop thinking about you. Im an empath; I've known about you guys being in love with eachother. I just didnt tell you because, I guess, I was jealous. I tried to get you off my mind by going out with different girls, but it doesnt work. I need for you to give me a chance, or at least some closure. I know you are in love with Fitz, but a small part of me still wants you to like me."

"I...ummm...dont know what to...ummm.....say."

Before I knew what was happening, Keefe's lips crashed into mine. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. No matter how hard he tried, I would not kiss back. Fitz appeared, walking over to see what was happening, but too far away to help me. Keefe pulled away with,"I've been wanting to do that for a long time."

"Keefe," I started,"You said it yourself, I dont like you like that."

"And I also said that I need you. Sophie," he said taking my hands in his,"please."

I ripped my hands away and pushed him into the ground. Fitz started running over. When, Fitz finally got over here, he picked me up into his arms and held me close to his chest.

"What just happened?" Asked a confused Fitz.

"I dont know, why dont you ask your girlfriend." was Keefe's reply, as if somehow trying to make this my fault.

"He dragged out here to give a stupid speech, then he kissed me. So......I pushed him away." I explained.

"Keefe," Fitz started with agitation in his voice,"get out. Now. And leave Sophie alone, please."

Keefe got up and pushed Fitz to the ground, before he stormed out. I quickly helped Fitz up. He looked hurt. I pulled him down yo meet my face so I could kiss him, already on my tiptoes. He picked up again and kissed me back. Gnome, I love him.

Wgen we pulled away,"Sophie,"he started,"What really happened? I know that wasnt the whole story."

I transmitted the memory to him. He stood there with anger and jealousy in his eyes. I normally wouldnt have noticed those emotions from him as his friend, but as his girlfriend, I did notice.

He carried me into the house and gently sat me down on the couch. It was only about 11.a.m. by now.

He sat down beside me, slowly leaning in. I decided to play hard to get and not lean in. He about 4 inches from my face, trying to tease me too. I smirked. I wasn't about to give in.

He leaned back. I decided to lean up against him. He leaned back in and kissed me. I love him so much!!!

I smiled and got up. I stopped when I heard,"Sophie, wait!"

"Fitz," I started.

"Sophie, will you...ummm," he stuttered and mummbled under his breath,"gah, why does she do this to me," then continued at a normal tone,"go on a date with me?"

"Fitz," I started, slowly, just to make him a bit more nervous. I worked. "Of course I will."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

A/N; The date will be in the next chapter, but, for now, I hope you peeps enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for not updating for a while. I had a serious case of writers block.

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