One - Family

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It had started the same as any other day, wet and overcast and the chill of a northern winter coming in.
I grabbed my coat and boots and grimaced as I left the warm kitchen and headed towards the stables reciting in my head all the jobs I needed to do.
Feed the animals
Let out the chickens and collect any eggs
Turn out the horses
Muck out the stables
Prep for this evenings feed
Have breakfast and focus on work in the warmth of the farmhouse.
Easy right, well you would think so, having done thus routine for years before leaving for university down south but I realised half way through just how out of condition I was.  Finally finished I rushed inside and slumped at the kitchen table, hands wrapped around a mug of tea, it's just a week, I just needed to get through a week of this before I went back. My dad would laugh if he could see me now.
I hoped my dad was enjoying his honeymoon with Emma, they made a lovely couple and I hadn't been surprised when he had told me they were getting married, he deserved a second chance at love, my mother had left us when I was two and we hadn't heard from her since, but I didn't care as my father was always there for me, as far as I was concerned it was her loss not ours.
One week later.
I had got through all the chores and rushed back inside to get on with my work, I had less than 24 hours to complete and submit my thesis, I was almost there I just needed to double check all my references and read through to make sure I was happy with it.
I read it through three times and puttered around the house before reading it again before the phone rang "hello?"
"Submit it now" screeched the voice down the phone making me jump.
"how do you know I haven't already done it"
"Have you?"
"Of course" I replied.
"Don't lie to me, now submit it" she argued.
I sighed "okay I'm doing it now I was just doing a final read through to make sure I haven't missed anything"
"Huh, you mean this is your fourth go at it, or is it fifth, I knew I needed to phone and chase you up, come on please just submit it, I know you, it will be great"
I slumped in my chair "you don't know that, what if it's rubbish"
"Trust yourself, you are the smartest person I know, now send it"
I groaned and hit the submit button "there I've done it"
"Good, now you can relax and enjoy yourself at home, when does your dad get back"
"Tomorrow, Emma texted earlier today to confirm everything, they have a car booked from the airport but they should be back about 6 ish"
"Love their timing, you'll have done the animals by then"
I laughed "shut up Nic I like doing it, though I'll admit to you it's taken me all week so far to get back into the swing of it, when I get back I think I need to join a gym or do something"
"When are you back"
"Three days, then I'm back for some additional classes that I thought would look good on my resume"
"You are such a dork Thena" she laughed and I could hear shouting in the background "gotta go, my breaks over, see you soon"
The house came alive when dad and Emma returned, we spent the next couple of days reviewing the photos and talking about family, future and friends, of which more than a few came to visit.
Dad asked me about my course and if I had got my work in on time and I assured him I had done it, he had smiled at me and asked who had chased me.
I told him about the additional work and courses I had applied for and my hope that a couple of digs would be interested in hiring me to do the translations on any recovered artefacts, but I recognised I was just starting out and unknown so would need to get some great college marks and connections to get a chance at the real thing.
It was sad to leave them and return south but I was ready.
As I packed the car dad handed me a small jewellery box "this was my mothers and now I want you to have it"
I carefully opened the box to reveal a beautiful pendant hanging on a sturdy gold chain "dad, I can't take this"
"My darling you can, its time for you to have it, I've just been looking after it for you, she wanted you to have it when you were ready and I think you are, so wear it and remember her and her love for you"
"Thank you" I cried hugging him tight "I will treasure it and keep it safe"
He slipped the box from my hand and lifted the necklace out "wear it and remember her, remember she will be watching over you always" he did the necklace up and we hugged again.
"Now go, you've a long way to drive and I don't want you to rush" he said as Emma came up beside him and they both waved as I left.

Powerful - (Her Gods - Book One) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now