Six - Gods Reborn.

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"Christ" Jace shouts jumping forward and catching the girl as she collapses.
"Kal help me" they lift her and lay her on the dais in the centre of the room.
"She breathing and has a pulse but is out cold" he states checking her vitals.
"What the hell happened" Owen growls moving closer to the dias.
"Miles, you okay" Owen questions looking at his friend who is frozen by the fissure into the cave.
"It's blocked"
"What's blocked, I didn't hear a rock fall" Owen says moving forward and finding an invisible barrier stopping them leaving the room.
" rock fall" Miles said Looking at Owen.
A shout from the dais made them turn, Jace was trying to hold her down, blue current sparking around her.
"Owen, Kal, Miles I need you here, help me" Jace shouted.
"Hold her down" he instructed as they rushed forward.
The three men moved forward at the instruction and held onto the girl as another surge of blue current ran over her, making her body bow off the table she was laid on. The girls mouth opened in a silent scream as the power ran through her.
"Christ , what can we do?" Kal asked holding one arm.
"I'm not sure, I've never seen anything like this before" Jace replied moving round us to check her again.
Another flare of light and her body rose of the dais, each of the four men held a limb and as if a lock had connected they couldn't let go, the current moved from her to each of them, winding up their hands , there was no pain just a rush of memories before a blinding white light through them all backwards.
Owen was the first to come round, skating his head to clear the lingering memories he starts looking around the room he could see Miles, Kal and Jace laid out on the floor and Athena on the dais.
He rose to his feet looking around at them, before he moved as if drawn to Athena, looking down at her, she hadn't changed, her beauty shone and he couldn't wait to get reacquainted.
Kal was the next to wake, the strange feeling of knowing more and seeing Owen standing next to Athena, he pushed up and moved to join them. "Brother" he greeted reaching out to grasp Owens forearm over her body "she's looking well"
Miles rises next, grumbling in Greek he joins them looking down at her "she hasn't changed" he laughs before grasping forearms with his brothers.
Jace is last to wake, he looks at his brothers and smiles, she did it, she brought us all together again, he joining them greeting them before running a finger down her cheek.
"Awake our love, come back to us" he whispers.
They  stand waiting around their goddess Athena, a goddess who when torn away from them promised her love would never fail, she would never stop loving them.
Helios, Pan, Eros and Thanatos gods who loved one goddess now tied to each of the men in the room, their memories part of the men now.
Owen's memories of Helios love for Athena, flowed through him.
Jace's memories of Pan's love for Athena, made his body crave her contact, he lifted her hand into his.
Mile's memories of Eros love for Athena, made him smile and move closer to her.
Kal's memories of Athena, made him tense ready to protect her, she had been taken from them once, he would not allow it again.
They remained around their goddess waiting for her to rise.
"I think she was right to warn us and I'm not sure what's going on but I have more memories, memories of Athena and all of you from a long time ago, as my brothers Pan, Helios and Eros" Kal says to the group.
"I agree, I feel the same, my mind is telling me you are Thanatos not Kal but I can recognise you as both, I think whatever words Athena spoke have opened some link with the temple, we need her to wake so we can find out more, my mind is telling me she is Athena, not just Athena Aetaxerxes but the goddess herself" Owen answers him.

Powerful - (Her Gods - Book One) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now