『Chapter Twenty One || Until the Day it Becomes a Pumpkin!』

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A/N: Happy Halloween!

"All right, let's move on to the next item on the agenda," the class president, Kazukiyo Soga, said to Class 1-A, "I would like to discuss the plans for next week."

"Plans?" Haruhi in confusion.

"Halloween," Hikaru said.

"Haruhi-kun, you and Fumika-chan became honor students here starting in high school, so you wouldn't know about it, huh?" Vice president, Momoka Kurakano, said, "Here at Ouran, during the grading of our in-school trial exams, we're allowed to take off until the last of October every year, and hold costume parties here on campus."

"Also, to promote camaraderie, we are allowed to take a whole day and use it however we like, as a class event," Kazukiyo added.

"An event?"

"Well, usually, we have tea parties, watch movies, and so on," Kaoru told the sisters.

"Not good enough! Not good enough! Not good enough!" Renge chanted, jumping onto a desk, "Halloween! It's the day that signals the end of summer, and the start of winter. Halloween. The day when people come out against the spirits and devils that come by, by making themselves look like them. Halloween. It also, in time, became a festival of dressing up in costumes, and playing pranks."

"Ah yes, a cosplayer's best time to shine," Fumika mused, watching Renge in amusement as the girl posed on the desk.

"Some people don't wait for permission to have costume parties and engage in cosplay all year round," Haruhi muttered, thinking back to the many, many times in which Renge cosplayed. "So, what's with that uniform?"

"To tell you the truth, this is the uniform for the girl characters who will be appearing in Uki-doki Memorial 2, which isn't scheduled to come out until next spring," Renge explained, "I obtained some advance, unannounced information, and made this."

Fumika sweatdropped, "Um, you're not going to try to make my boyfriend fulfill your otaku fantasies again, right?" The only response she got was a haughty laugh.

"Hoshakuji-san, we're having homeroom," Kazukiyo said, "Please come down off of the desk."

"Cosplaying and having tea parties is something we do all the time in the Host Club," Renge declared, ignoring the class president's request, "What good is having Halloween without any further stimulation?"

"This is to be a class event," Kazukiyo said.

"I hereby propose that we have a Halloween special test-of-courage tournament!" Renge exclaimed.

"A Halloween special..." "...test-of-courage tournament?" the twins repeated, intrigued by the idea.

"We'll ask the superintendent to open the school to us at night," Renge planned, "Then we all take turns dressing up as monsters and scaring each other. It will make for wonderfully high-spirited, exciting communication!"

"Great! That sounds great! We're in!" The twins agreed. "I like the part about..." "...the school at night."

"The school at night, huh?"

"That could be kind of exciting."

"I just thought of a scary idea!"

"Everyone takes turns as frighteners, and one by one, we test our courage!"

"Going one at a time wouldn't be very efficient, would it?" Kazukiyo pointed out, "We also have to consider time allocation. There should be at least three or four at a time."

"It would be better if it were really scary, right?" Momoka chimed.

"For anyone who runs out in the middle of it, we'll have them featured on the front page of the school paper as 'Minister of Pantywaists,'" Hikaru declared.

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