2. Locksmith

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I grab hold of the curtains and pull them apart to reveal the sun set. It was a pretty one, orange and pink with the clouds whisping about.
I check my phone before continuing my normal routine, The time read 5:10pm. I had some time to kill before I had to go back in to work.  My shift started at 10.
I turn and clear up the beer bottles and their caps, tossing them in to the trash bag. I start the coffee pot and open the refrigerator, a half gallon of milk greets me along with a bag of green and a half used carton of eggs.

"Oh, shit. I need to go grocery shopping." I mumble, letting the door close. Maybe that's what I'll do before work. I lean back against the bar and close my eyes, rubbing my face.
I think back to my most recent call with my family, About how they begged me to come home. How they were so welcoming. I never opened up about my financial struggles but surely they know by now that It's been rough.

That's so embarrassing and I don't think I could even admit to that kind of defeat.

The beeping of the coffee maker snaps me back in to reality and I swiftly grab my coffee mug and fill it to the brim. I bring it with me to the bathroom to get ready.
It's funny when you look in the mirror and barely recognize the person you are... Barely recognize your face. At least, you can pretend It's funny.

I stare in to my dark brown eyes, those dark bags still sink deep, no matter how much sleep I tend to get. The California sun hasn't done a thing for my pale skin. My bleached blonde hair now growing the black out at the roots. I had been failing with the upkeep.
I take a long sip of my coffee, then continue on making myself presentable.


The keys jangle in my hand as I lock the door behind me, I had decided to make a run to the store down the street to pick up a few groceries. Something to keep me going through the day.

My travel down to the lobby was a fast one. I waved to our bell boy on the way out, a short and stout Mexican boy named Javier. He returned the wave with a smile.
I get to my car and within a few minutes am on the road down to the store. I did in fact, instantly regret this decision when I was fighting the rush hour traffic.
This would end up taking longer than if I had just walked...
But finally, I arrived and parked close to the entrance.

"Welcome to Vons." The Greeter says and I raise my eyebrows and smile at him, waving dismissively.
He stops me before I can grab my basket, "Look, we have some guys filming here. They're really.. really weird. We usually kick them out but they're almost done." He shrugs, "If they interact with you just ignore them. Really." He lets out a nervous laugh.

"What are they filming for?" I ask, slightly confused.
He shrugs "Youtube, I think."
I shake my head some, "Well... Thanks for the heads up." I tell him then continue on my way.
I specifically look for the granola and protein bars. I peak down each aisle as I go.
I hear laughter the further I go, and due to my curiosity I follow it.
I peak over and see two familiar faces. One hold a camera in hand and the other has a portable microphone.

It's Brandon and Salim? I scoff and stare at them from behind the edge of the aisle.
"Brandon, you can't ask people that!" Salim says in a high whisper.
"No, No It's fine. I've done worse!" Brandon waves his notebook in Salim's way, his face red from laughing.
What is he wanting to ask people? I wonder with a furrowed brow. Better yet, I wonder if he actually remembered me. I'd bet Salim would, he seemed to be in a decently stable mindset relative to Brandon. I decide to step out down in to the aisle with them and they both straighten up. and Salim slides his camera away in to a discrete spot.

Brandon approaches me, microphone in hand. "Hello, ma'am--" He starts but Salim quickly cuts him off.
"Oh! Hey, It's Bug!" Salim interrupts Brandon and gives him a quick disapproving glance.
"You remember me Brandon?" I ask in a teasing manner, reaching behind him to grab a can of green beans.
He laughs and shakes his head, dipping his hand in to his pocket and pulling out the tiny business card with my name awfully scribbled down. "Of course, you're Buggo. Our very friendly, highly enthusiastic Valero employee!"

"Has Buggo stuck? Has that reaaally really stuck?" I ask him.
"Oh yes, for sure. At least now It's less weird because It's a nickname." He jabs me with his elbow.
I return the small jab and sigh, "What video are you guys shooting?" I ask, looking at the microphone in Brandon's hand.
He lifts it to his lips, "Well you see ma'am, we're basically just shitting with people at our own demise." He mimics a reporters voice.
"At his own demise, I don't do the asking questions. I hide away and just record." Salim jumps in and explains.
I shoot finger guns at him, "Sounds like my man... Wait, what were you about to ask me?" I quickly look over at Brandon.

He snickers then pulls a straight face, "I was going to ask you where the bathroom was, I just shat my pants. It's diarrhea, and It's bad." He tells me and my face turn in to one of disgust.
"Where the fuck do you get the courage to ask random people that and how can I get some?" I ask.
"I don't even think he cares what people think anymore." Jamin admit, "Or has he ever? I'm not even sure." 

I laugh a little bit and grab a can of tuna off the shelves. "Well boys, I've got some shopping to finish before work. I should get going." I look over the two men once more. "It was great, and kind of weird to see you two again. Maybe we'll bump in to each other again!"
"At this point it'd be a crazy work of fate if we did." Salim says as he watches me.
"Oh I'm sure I'll be making more.. not so sober.. late night trips to the gas station, trust me." Brandon counters Salim's statement. "Have a good one Bug."

I leave the aisle and continue on with my shopping., finding those prized protein bars and throwing two boxes in my bag. I grab a few frozen skillet dinners as well.

I finish and exit the store, heading out to my car. I go to open the door but its locked, so I search myself for my keys.
"Oh fuck." I gasp and peak in through the window. It was hard to do in the dark, but there the keys laid in the cup holder.
"Oh fuck me." I repeat a few times. I check my phone and it's a 7:07pm. I can't walk home with all of this, the drive itself is a good 20-30 minutes. fuck me for wanting good bargains.

I call up a locksmith but he tells me it'd be another hour or so before he could get anyone out to me. "I just bought frozen groceries!" I complain to him.

"Look, I'm sorry about that. Is there anyone you can have pick you up?" He asks.
"Pft, No." I groan, "Look, I'll figure something out. Just be sure you make it here."
"Will do ma'am." He says and I hang up.
I run my fingers through my fried dead hair and look around.
Oh why not ask Brandon! Someone I just met, That oughta be safe.

Marching back in to the store my heart was pounding in my chest. "Brandon?" I call out and rush through the aisles.
He steps out of one, a different one than the one I left him in.

"Wow, I guess you just can't get enough of me." He says with a smug smile.
"I'm locked out of my car and the locksmith can't make it for another hour and I have frozen food and work tonight--and I'm really sorry but can you help me out?" I ramble way faster than intended.
"Wow girl wow, calm down." He reaches a hand out to my shoulder. "Of course we'll help, you fucking nerd. I can't believe you locked yourself out of your own car." He jokes, trying to make light of the subject.


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