13. Open House

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The next three weeks rushed by in a blur of oil paints, turpentine, and the occasional weed break with Brandon. Now I stood beside him as I waited to be called forward by Dominic to begin the open house to my artwork. Brandon had a small whiskey tumbler in one hand and the other held mine in support. Finally I was called up. I gave Brandon a quick squeeze before walking forward and taking a stand next to Dominic. I look over the small crowd of finely dressed people then finally introduce myself, followed by a quick introduction to my art work.

Once finished I watched the people leave this room and make their way through the exhibit.
"Great job Ms. Avery." Dominic swirls a drink in his hand, "They're going to love you." He then follows behind the group and Brandon finds his way to me.
"How you feeling?" He hands me the tumbler and I drink what was left of the whiskey.
"Very fucking nervous." I admit.
"Now now, a lady isn't supposed to talk like that." He teases, hinting at my formal attire, a long navy dress. He wore a nicer than usual suit as well.
I roll my eyes, letting out a breathy laugh, "Oh fuck off." I whisper and push him lightly.

"We should catch up with the others who are just, fawning over your art. I bet the front of their pants are tight just by looking at it." Brandon tells me as we begin walking down white walled hallway. I stop by the drink table and dip me a glass of spiked punch before joining him again.
"I mean, if that's their kink..." I mumble, causing Brandon to giggle under his breath and I smirk.


The exhibit ended a good few hours later, people came and went and now as night fell it was time for us to go too. I managed to get a little buzzed by the end of it but I kept my composure. Dominic did send us home with a bottle of wine though, so who knew how long that would last if we decided to pop that open tonight.
Brandon drove us back to his place, I watched as he sang along to the songs on the radio, the street lights making his face visible for just a teeny tiny moment as he sped by.

In this moment I was happy, In this moment I was content. I lean my head against the not-so-chilly window glass and continue to watch him.
He glances over a few times, then gives an awkward smile, "Whhat?" He asks.
I smile, "Nothin... Just, watching you." I tell him.
"Well then let me put on a show!" He turns up the music volume and begins dancing along with singing. After a few seconds I join him in singing the chorus to Get Lucky and quickly after I too am dancing in my seat.

We arrive back at his place, I would be staying the night due to us leaving in the morning for Lancaster, California to see the Poppy Reserve. I grab the bottle of wine in one hand and my heels in the other and follow him through the lobby and to his apartment room. He lets me in and the first thing I do is get changed in to a pair of sweat pants and his t shirt. He does the same, finishing quickly and as I wipe the makeup from my face he grabs two wine glasses and prepares for us to have a night watching tv on the couch.

I join him, plopping down and wrapping myself in a blanket. He carefully hands me a glass and I take a good long drink. We sit and watch the few episodes of Criminal Minds we've missed, slowly getting drunk off fancy wine.


She fell asleep rather fast, ending up laying against his chest. Brandon wrapped an arm around her, holding her close. He cherished these moments, his hand grazed against the soft skin of her arm and he let it rest there. With a small burst of courage he leaned down and kissed her forehead, of course she didn't know, she was fast asleep. But the action made him happy. He watched the episode through, taking the occasional sip of wine with a smile on his face.


This chapter is incredibly short because the next, which was originally going to be apart of this one, got too long. I didn't want the chapter to be over 2000 words for some reason. I've been averaging them out at about 1000, This one is at 750?? I enjoyed the next chapter quite a lot.

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