18. A Walk

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Brandon stayed with her after that, too scared to leave her alone. Alcohol poisoning? Suicide? He cared far too much to just leave her alone. Within that same day he tossed anything alcoholic from her home, she was asleep when he did so. After her breakdown, she was far too exhausted to stay awake.
He cleaned the small apartment, all the while thinking of what he could even do to help her, When he stumbled upon the unfinished painting of himself, flower crown atop his head. He remembered that day, the joy, genuine happiness and felt a little bit of hope that this would pass.


It didn't pass, the days dragged on and on. Brandon moved a lot of his stuff in to Bug's apartment, trying to maximize the amount of time he'd be there. The fear of leaving her alone still apparent. Popcorn needed care as well, care Brandon wasn't sure she'd get if he hadn't been there.

"Look, Brandon, I really appreciate you being here but you should go home." Bug was out of bed now, sitting across from him at the counter with a coffee in hand. Her eyes looked dead and her hair a mess.
"No, no I can't." Brandon shook his head, slicing a strawberry in half, adding it to the little bowl of fruit he had prepared.
Bug took a long sip of the coffee, her body begging for the caffeinated energy it could give, "But why not?" She asked him.
Brandon gazed up in to her eyes, "Honestly, I'm too scared."

She was taken aback by his words, they made her.. mad? Sad? Confused? She couldn't place it. "Scared?" She repeated.
Brandon slid the fruit bowl to her, along with a cup of water, "I don't want you to start drinking again. You don't get out of bed without my encouragement.. I'm reminding you to eat, Reminding you to even drink..."
Bug bit her chapped bottom lip, she knew he was right so she didn't answer.

A long pause droned on before Brandon spoke once more, "Look, have you..." he shied away from the question only for a moment but regained the courage, "Have you thought of seeing a doctor yet?" He looked her in the eyes, and hers darted away.
"Not.. not yet." She told him, "I'm not ready for that yet." To her, going to the doctor was almost like admitting defeat, admitting something was wrong.
Brandon reached over and picked a clementine piece from the bowl, "Okay.. well, when you are.. just tell me and I'll go with you. Hell, I'll take you there."
She gave a half smile, "Much appreciated." She spoke.


It was a particularly rough day that day. No matter how hard Brandon had tried, he couldn't get her up. He finally had let her be, even though it had pained him.
After a few hours of editing his most recent video, he grew restless. He needed to walk, go get food... something, anything!
Brandon poked his head in to Bug's room, her body lay in the same position he had left her hours ago. Her breathing was of the pace of someone who was sleeping so he left her a note, letting her know what he was doing. He then proceeded to leave.

Brandon walked along the streets, not paying too much attention to where he was headed, he just needed to get out of the house.
He lit up a cigarette to place between his lips as he walked, causing him to be distracted for but a moment. That moment was all it took for him to accidentally bump in to someone though and in a flurry of apologies he recognized the fiery haired girl.
"Wow we have to stop meeting like this." Brandon's words were coated in a soft laughter.
"Brandon? How crazy!" Marta, Marta from the party and from the coffee shop, exclaimed.

"Look, I'm sorry for bumping in to you." Brandon apologized once more, "But I'm happy to see you again. It's been awhile."
Marta nodded, "Yeah it has, what have you been up to?" She asked, they had started walking together.
Brandon shrugged, "Oh just the usual YouTube grind." He told her, "What about you?"
She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, "I got that part in that web series I was telling you about last time." She couldn't hold back the smile, "And that's been great!"
"Oh wow I'm so happy for you!" Brandon lightly patted her back.

They decided to grab lunch together, sitting and talking over Chinese take-out. They spoke of this and that, Brandon unable to recognize the subtle flirtation coming from Marta.
It was a nice distraction, something to ease his mind for a bit.. but then the conversation turned to.. her, Bug.
"How's your friend doing?" Marta picked at her rice, almost completely devoured.
"She's... she's alright." Brandon watched her fork stab in to a pea.
Marta panicked internally, "Are you guys still friends? I'd hate to bring up an open wound!"
Brandon shook his head, assuring her that him and Bug were still friends, "It's just... just a rough patch." He told her, and in turn tried to convince himself.

Marta sat there awkwardly, "Would you mind me asking what's going on?" She spoke hesitantly.
"It's a bit personal... but I think she's bipolar, and we're just trudging through a rough patch." Brandon trusted her with this teeny bit of information.
"Oh." Marta breathed out, "That's a little sad and scary."
"Tell me about it." Brandon laughed some, twisting noodles around his fork. That's when he remembered something from weeks ago, back at the cafe, "Hey.. remember back at the cafe, you were going to tell me some.. rumors.. about her?"
She nodded, her eyes leaving his, "Yes, I remember." She admitted to him.
"Can you please, tell me them now. I need as much information as I can get." Brandon almost begged.

Marta's face grew a bit darker, she didn't know if the rumors were true. But she didn't want to taint the was this man viewed someone he grew to care for so dearly.
"Okay..." She finally let out the breath she had been holding accidentally. "They were talking about how she'd go.. on benders, with random guys for weeks on end. Getting absolutely trashed and then snap out of it and never speaking to them again. They spoke of drugs and alcohol and sex." She paused, "Look, maybe these aren't true but a few guys had a story or two"

Brandon's fists clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. "What stories?" He asked, in disbelief.
"One talked about them driving out of town and stocking up on drugs, trying to make a trip to Arizona? He said she gave... 'killer blowjobs." Marta cringed at repeating these words and Brandon had had enough.
"No, no! Not my Bug." His face was flushed in anger. "They were fucking lying, all of them!" His voice had unintentionally raised.
Marta shrunk away in her chair, "I'm sorry Brandon... I don't know if they are total lies." She muttered.

Brandon crossed his arms, "I just.. don't see my Bug, my best friend, doing any of that!" He admitted to her.
Marta closed her eyes, "Brandon... why do you care so much? You act as if you care more than a friend..."
There was a silence, "I think.. I love her." He finally admitted out loud. To another person. And it still made his heart leap, no matter the pain it was in. "And right now she's so sad, and she won't see a doctor and I'm not sure what else to do." He laid his head in his hand
"Have you thought about telling her how much you care for her?" Marta asked, "That you love her?"


Back at it again and I am out of my mojo, nonetheless I hope you enjoyed! I am happy to be back to writing again. Hopefully you guys didn't forget me :P thanks for reading and if you liked, feel free to vote!

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