3. Car Ride

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"Thanks so much for helping me out." I tell Brandon. I sat in the passenger seat of his car, my grocery bags on my lap.
"It's really no big deal," he assures me.
"I can't believe we left Salim back at the grocery store." I shake my head and scoff at us.
"Oh he's fine, If he wasn't okay he'd speak up." He rolls his window down, opening his pack of cigarettes and sticking one between his lips. He raises the pack in my direction, "Want one?"
I take one and snatch the lighter from his cupholder, Lighting mine and taking a puff.
"You mind?" Brandon leans over for me to light his, keeping his eyes on the road.
I oblige then toss the lighter back

He thanks me before rolling down my window as well. The January weather was chilly on my face, This was my favorite time of year in Cali, It was actually bearable for a Vermont Native like me.
"So, Why'd you move here to the jolly city of Los Angeles?" I ask Brandon, looking back to him for second. I watch the streetlights run across his face quickly as he drives.
"I'm a director, actor and writer all wrapped in to one." He tells me and flicks his cigarette out the window. I watch as the ashes fly by. "I've been making youtube videos for years, and finally I decided I needed to throw myself in to the Los Angeles mix. Yknow? Suck a few dicks, get a few more opportunities." He chuckles, "What about you?"

"Oh can't you tell? I came here to successfully work nights at a gas station so I can never get any sunlight and slowly become a vampire." I tell him Matter-of-factly.
"Okay miss sarcastic." He rolls his eyes at me, "For real? What kind of dicks you trying to suck?"
"The one's of art representatives... I paint, and draw." I puff on my cigarette, Man I forgot how much I hated reds.
"So you're a literal starving artist?" Brandon takes one last draw then tosses his out the window.
"Well not anymore, Look at these groceries!" I shake the bags.
"Those are literally the cheapest microwave meals and protein bars you can find. You're a starving artist." He laughs at me. "Well you don't have to rub it in Mr. Director, we can't all be as thriving as you!" I reach over and flick him.

We pull in to the parking lot of my apartment complex and I snatch up all of my bags.
"You coming in?" I ask Brandon, stepping out then poking my head back in.
"As long as it isn't weird, when do you have to be at work?" He looks at the clock in the car, it read 7:25pm, I follow his gaze.
"It won't be weird, You have to wait till Salim gets here anyways." I assure him then shut the door.
"Wow, aren't you eager to just try and  seduce me?" He steps out and locks his car with his keys.
"Mmm.. No, you're not really my type Brandon." I begin walking to the door that opens to the lobby.
"What? Hot up and coming Hollywood director isn't your type?" He grabs the door and opens it for me.
I shake my head, "No I prefer the hot grungy punk rocker boys. The one's with eyeliner and such." I laugh and step in to the elevator, pressing the fifth floor button. Brandon steps in and leans back against the wall.

"Hold the door, hold the door!" I hear a familiar elderly voice call. Mine and Brandon's hands quickly snap to the elevator door and Mrs. Pataki waddles her way in.
"Thank you sweetheart." She smiles at me then looks at Brandon, "Who's this young man?" She asks with a great big smile.
"This is Brandon, I was having some.. Car troubles and he offered to bring me back on home." I tell her. "Brandon this is Mrs. Pataki. She's my neighbor."

Brandon reaches out his hand to her, "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am." He says with a charming smile.
She giggles some, "He's cute." She tells me with a wink.
I flare my nose and cock my head to the side, "I mean.. I guess?"
"Oh you're just being a bitch now." He tells me with a laugh and I quietly flip him off from behind Mrs. Pataki.


I throw the different freezer meals in the freezer, Obviously and semi organize the pantry. Y'know, once you organize the gas station displays so many times you just get tired by the time you get to your own home.
"Cute little place you got here." Brandon tells me, sitting at my bar.
"Oh shut up." I tell him, assuming he was being sarcastic.
"No, I'm being serious. It's a cute little mess!" He states, looking around. "It's also small and cozy."
I just shake my head and open the fridge, "You want something to drink?" I ask him. "I have.. Pepsi and milk?" My tone turns in to more of a questioning one.
Brandon pulls out his phone, "Salim says the Locksmith got there early and he's on his way now." He types out a reply quickly. "Oh and a Pepsi would be great!" He lays his phone down on the bar.

I place two pepsis on the counter, taking the only other chair. We sit in silence for about a minute, my eyes close in an attempt to rest them. There wasn't really anything to say at this point so why say anything? But then I realized it might be a bit awkward for him..
"So, you said you did Youtube?" I ask, looking up at him. He was just scrolling through his phone.
He looks up at me, a smile brought to his face at the mention of it. "Yes! I'm a bit of an asshole on there though."
"So it's cool if I look you up later? It wouldn't be weird or anything?" I ask, trying to make sure.
"It may be weird for you--" He begins.
"What? is it porn? Just tell me now, Cause I don't think I'd be interested in seeing dicks and tits." I say in an utterly joking manner.

"Oh, It's definitely porn. It's my dicks and tits too. You'll get to know all of me." He goes on with my joke and I laugh so hard I snort Pepsi out my nose.
He bursts out in to laughter as well, "Holy fuck, It's on my face!" He grabs his sleeve and wipes his face with his sleeve and I crumble. Barely able to breath due to how hard I'm laughing.
"I'm-I'm so sorry." I say while trying to catch my breath, my face beet red.
"Oh geez, You're out to get me." He takes his glasses off and wipes them off. "You and Pepsi both."
I laugh a bit more and smile at him, That was ridiculous. I lay my head down on my arms, looking up at him.


Salim finally arrives and I greet him at the door. Brandon had moved to the couch to watch tv after his bathroom break.
Salim wiggles my keys before me and I snatch them up from his hands and hug him quickly, my  five foot, 100 pound body so tiny compared to his.
"Oh my god thank you so so much for staying back!" I say, maybe too excitedly.
He laughs and smiles at me, "It's no problem really. Odd way to start a friendship but, what can you do?" He shrugs.

Brandon stands and makes his way over to us,  "Hey we should get going." He tells me, "Buut,.." He grabs a stray piece of paper and scribbles down his name and number then motions for Salim to do the same."Feel free to contact us any time." Brandon tells me.
"I live out of town but I'm up for a chat any time as well." Salim says with a smile.
I rip off a piece of the paper and scribble my number down. "You two can share." I hand the piece over. "I get busy and forget to do things so maybe you'll need to contact me first."

We say our goodbyes and I close the door behind. I take a moment to give myself a breather, Had I just made friends? That's such a juvenile thing to wonder. But I had honestly always wondered how adults make friends. This may not have been the most convenient way to do so.. But it worked! I think...
I slip my keys in my pocket and grab my work vest and a protein bar before making my way down to my car. Fairly energized for my work shift.


I'm not sure as to whether or not the chapters I am writing are too long or not... But I think I'm making progress nonetheless. If you liked the chapter, please feel free to vote! :) it helps a ton

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