The Tickets

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~Chapter 1~

It is probably around 3:00 a.m. right now, but I am too lazy to check my clock. I have been lying in my bed for 7 hours now, doing nothing, but fan girling, of course.

"Skylar, go to bed" My sister, Riley, Groaned to me.

" Leave me alone, I'm actually doing something important, unlike you...'' I spoke silently so my mom couldn't hear us. I have been on Twitter the whole time looking over Mathew Espinosa's tweets. I don't know why, but I can't seem to get my mind off of him. I read this one tweet, when Matthew said he was going to Magcon in 2 weeks' time. I wish that one day I can escape the Mystical Force Field surrounding Canada, and go to America to see them. One moment after our mom walked in.

"Skylar, Riley, Go to bed, now." She spoke with a sad and mournful tone, she must still be upset about our father's death. My Father was a grateful man; he died of a heart attack two months ago. It will be hard to let go but for my mom it will be even harder.

"Okay Mother." I say and turn off my phone and snuggle under my covers, as my mom leaves the room I think to myself, all the things she has gone through might happen to me. As I drift off to sleep the pain of that thought haunts me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I wake up to the sound of my phone's alarm going off. School, I think to myself and sigh. The one thing i hate more than my sad life is school. It's the main place for the bullies to gain up on people, and for the teachers to be cockroaches, always wanting to see what you're up to and nipping you in the butt with homework. The only good thing about school is that I get to see my best friend, Alexandra.

I get up and stretch my arms falling in to a yawn. I walk to my dresser, pulled out my new laced turquoise shirt with black skinny jeans a pair of earrings and walked to the bathroom. As i took my morning shower I couldn't help but wondering how me and Alexandra really became friends, i think it all started when I saw her on the first day of school, my homeroom teacher called out " Alexandra Williams?", right after the second she called her name, she ran into class and sat down in the empty seat beside mine, and said " here".

Going down the stairs was a tough job in the morning, because my legs are always still sleeping, but i manage to get downstairs somehow and make my lunch, then leave for my bus. When I got to school, i felt like my heart had stopped, like I was in a trap and couldn't get out.

"Skylar! did you hear what Chris posted?" Alexandra shouted at me and came running down the hall.

"What Chris?" I respond waiting for her to get to me. It was weird but whenever we both get to school it's like we can tell where the other is.

"Chris Collins, of course!, he posted on twitter saying that the two exclusive tickets, the ones when you get to hang out with the boys for the whole day, are bought...." She said as she stood beside me.

"oh." hearing that made my heart stop, I would have loved to be that one person with a friend to hang out with the boys, especially Matthew. Alexandra looked like she was hiding more then what she really wanted to say, but I didn't want to say anymore of the topic.

"We should get to class" I said sadly.

"Ok" she said and walked along my side.

Alexandra and I haven't talked at all the rest of the day, the fact that those tickets for Magcon were sold, just threw off my mood. As I get on the bus for school, I start to calm down by thinking of all the wonderful things I have: My mom, sister, brother, friend, a dog. I think that is everything a person needs to be happy in life.

When I get off my bus and start walking to school, I get a call from an Unknown Caller.

"Hello?" I say softly trying not to sound scared, but I was actually freaking out.

"Hi Skylar, It's Jason, from school..." the guy, Jason, spoke.

" Oh, hi Jason, why are you calling me?" A flood of relief came threw my body knowing that it was just someone from my class.

"Yes, I forgot what we had for homework." he laughed nervously and stopped as soon as he started.

"Oh, we had to read page 100-105 in our book, and answer the questions for Chapter 7, number 1-4." I say trying to remember.

"Ok. Thank you" like that he hangs up and leaves me on the phone alone, so I hang up. I never really talk to Jason, so I don't know how he got my phone, maybe from Kyle. Boys, there so annoying, other than Mathew, but my brother, West, now he is a total pain.

I finally get home to all the lights off and wonder what the heck is going on.

"Mom? Riley? West?, you there?" I walk in a little scared, I wasn't the type to be caught watching a horror movie, more like comedy or romance. They didn't tell me they were going anywhere before I left, and besides West is 13 and Riley is 8, they had school to so i don't get why they are not here yet.

"Mom!?" I was getting worried now, i keep hearing little shuffles but it's to dark to see anything. Then all of a sudden al the lights turn on and everyone jumps out scaring me. My neighbours can probably hear me screaming, but i don't care, Mom, West, Riley, and Alexandra are all hear and im not alone with some weirdo's.

"Hi Sweetie! Guess what??'' my mom walks over and give me a hug to calm me down.

"What?" I look a little confused, I didn't expect this to happen.

"you know how those Magcon tickets were sold, and you really wanted them??" she brushed my hair and curled it looking at me.

"Yes... why?" I was even more confused and now sad again.

"Well me and Alexandra bought them." she said with a grin on her face.

My eyes go wide open and my mouth drops and i can't even make the words come out of my mouth.

The One Who Stole My Heart ( Matthew Espinosa Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now