Just hanging around...

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-Chapter 4- Just Hanging around

After the big argument happened, we decided to go and hang at an amusement park close by, the other guys will have tons of fun, but mot me, I am terrified of roller coasters. I don't want to tell Matthew or Taylor, they will think I am a wimp, which is not what I want. We get to the amusement park and I see Alex running off with Chris, figures, I see Taylor, Nash, Cam, Hayes, Brent, and the rest of them running off, Mahogany was skipping off.

*Matthew's Pov*

The place was Magnificent, I see everyone running off to go on the rides, except for Skylar, why isn't she moving. It is like she doesn't want to go, what if she is afraid of Roller Coasters, that would be unfortunate. I see Taylor running back and picking Skylar up " come on lets go on that ride!" He points at a huge ride and starts running with her, as she starts to freak out I can tell she is scared.

" No! PUT ME DOWN!!!" She starts to freak out badly now.

" Why?" He keeps running with her. I didn't realize it but I started running after them. Skylar was kicking and punching him but he wouldn't let her go.

" Hey! Taylor!!! You idiot! She is scared! Let go" I am right in front of him, I grab her out of his hands and put her in mine like a mother cradling her baby " are you alright?" Taylor shrugged and went on the ride anyway but I brought Skylar back to the car.

" yeah, thank you, I would have had a heart attack on there..." Skylar is so pretty up close too, her eyes sparkled in the sun like drops of water shimmering at the bright line reflecting off them onto the flower it's on.

" No problem, so is there anything here you do like?" If she doesn't want to go on Roller Coasters then I will stay with her.

" No not really, I find it very scary here, like one day a roller coaster's just gonna slip off the track and fall on me..." She was telling me stuff at least.

" Oh, well we can always just hang in the car then" I say moving a little closer to her so I can hug her in the car.

" That sounds nice" she smiled at me and hugged me to, I like this girl, she is everything I could ask for. Skylar is smart, gentle, caring, fun, sweet, and many more beautiful things to call this girl. I could hug her all day.

* Skylar's Pov*

Hugging Matthew was always a dream of mine, and now it is coming true, I hope he doesn't think I am a loser for not liking roller coasters.

Matthew and I have been in the car for an hour now by ourselves, we played i spy, then we brought out a pack of cards I bought and we played poker. I have been beating Matt at this game so far, I love poker.

Matt must have got bored because he was starting to fall asleep. I felt bad that I made him stay with me, he must really want to go on the rides.

" You know you can go if you want..." I told him, I didn't want to keep him back.

Matthew's Pov*

Was she trying to get rid of me? I know I just met her but I like her, and I would never leave her if that was the case.

" No, no, I can't do that." I took her hand, she must of noticed I was bored, it wasn't her fault that i was bored, it was the cards. " How about we make a video?"

" sure, that sounds fun" she smiled.

" perfect" I smiled and took out my camera and started filming " Merp" I made a funny face at Skylar and she laughed, this was for the beginning of my video.

" Hey guys! It's Matthew here, and I am with Skylar Evans, the lovely girl who had the lucky V.I.P tickets" he showed them her.

" Hey" Skylar smiled and waved to the camera, she was eating marshmallows and she must not want to be recorded while eating because she tried to get away from the camera.

" she is eating marshmallows" he smirked pointing the camera at her.

" GET AWAY!" She laughed trying not to choke.

I laughed and looked at the camera " Today's video will be another #askmatt, basically you can ask each one of us the question. I posted a tweet just a second ago about it and i got 30 tweets so far so we will do 5, picking random ones."

" that sounds fair" she smiled, she kept eating, she didn't care if she was recorded anymore.

" here's one from @kittybooboo12, ' #askMatt what is your favourite animal??'"

" Mine is a cheetah, or a leopard gecko" Skylar smiled looking at the camera.

" I love Sloth's " I looked at her and smiled.

" Really??" she looked at me with a weird expression on her face.

" Yep" I smile, blushing slightly but you can't see it.

" I thought you would be a dinosaur kinda man" Sklyar smiled and did MY dinosaur move, I can't believe it, has she been watching my videos? I am glad she has an interest in me, because I have an interest in her...

" Okay, next question is from @MattsBae12 '  #askMatt why won't you kiss her already?' She blushed at that question, I couldn't help it I blushed too.

I got it over with, they wanted a kiss, a kiss they shall get. I leaned in and closed my eyes... 

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